chapter 19

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"How the fuck did that happen?!" I was practically screaming while going over the photos that they sent me on my phone as one of my men is now driving me towards the location of the warehouse.

"We're already investigating it, boss. The warehouse just exploded killing fourteen of our men on duty," he replied.

I frustratingly massaged my forehead, "We have a fucking rat, Dasan. It's no accident." I sighed in frustration.

Upon reaching the location of the warehouse, Dasan stopped at a distance when we spotted police cars and heard sirens. "Shit. We need to get out of here, now." I ordered as we immediately drove to my office at the main warehouse.

If I ever found out that someone is involved in this, they won't be seeing tomorrow. I won't be giving chances anymore.

When I arrived at my main warehouse, I walked to my office with Dasan behind me.

I don't like having the right hands since I don't usually trust them due to experiences aside from Felix but Dasan and his team is near trustable.

They already saw what I'm capable of so they would never betray me.

Besides, they also owe all of their lives to me. Without me, they'd probably be in jail or dead. It's the least they could do since I provided them with a job that pays well.

Even if it's illegal though but that's not the fucking point.

"Report." I didn't waste any time as I stood in the front waiting for them to say something.

"We have a rat," that was all Zathrian said and it already made my blood boil. "He was assigned in that warehouse for a year now so no one suspected him. He lit up the box containing explosive powder."

Zathrian is like the communicator. He gathers the information and reports them to me.

"I've tracked his location, boss. He was last seen on the XZ Club, and booked a room there, third-floor room 52." Yvaine reported.

She's the best hacker in the underground I know, even better than me, but until now, neither I nor she couldn't surpass the American mafia's firewall. But it's alright, I don't need it anyways.

"I dealt with the police department. I paid the Deputy Chief of Police to call off the investigation. I have our men clean up the whole place already." Claude reported as I nodded in satisfaction.

He works in the police department and makes sure that the cops won't meddle in our business. None of them knows my connection with Aries and Alejandro but I have them backing up Claude's data for his safety too.

"Oh! Me next! I found out that his name is Jacob Eltero and he works for the Irish mafia!" Idalia said like she's fucking happy about it.

She's the youngest of them all and practically like the team's baby. She can be annoying sometimes because of her childish nature making me want to shoot her but I chose not to because she has potential. Believe it or not, she may look dumb but she's actually smart in strategic planning and a good assassin.

"Do you want me to hunt him down?" Dasan asked.

"No. I'll do it myself."

It's been a while since the last time I did this. The adrenaline in me is rising, making me want to kill him already.

"How much money did we lose?" I asked as I took out my weapons.

"One hundred thirty-nine million," Zathrian answered.

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