chapter 16

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"Oh my god! She's going to live here with us!" Avyanna exclaimed in happiness.

Is everything they're showing towards me real or this is just a fucking show? Because if so, I won't hesitate to fucking burn their business down one by one not giving a fuck about who they are.

"Move in tomorrow?" Avyanna asked.

"I can't."

"Why?" It was Cole who asked.

"I have a busy work schedule for the next two days," well, partly true. I do have something to sort from work but I also need to do some things to cover up the wealth I have.

No doubt they would be digging about what happened in my past because they're not asking me about it.

They'd get the information behind my back.

Something I hate yet something I do to my targets.

"How about three days from now, so you could have an extra day to pack your clothes?" Zeke suggested.


I could see a smile on my father's lips, "I'm glad you agreed to stay with us. A year may be a short time, but we'll try our best to make up for those years that we have lost together."

"Up until now, I still can't believe you're here. The first and last time I saw you, you were sleeping in the nursery room." Cole mumbled. "How have you been through the years?" He asked.

Wouldn't you like to know?

"Just the normal teenage things," I answered with a small forced smile.

Yeah like getting tortured, kidnapped, almost sold, selling illegal shit then building an empire while killing dozens of people and working with a government agency. Normal teenage things indeed.

"If you ever need financial help, don't hesitate to tell us. We could provide you with money if you need to, or even a stable paying job. Anything that you want," father suddenly said making me look at him.

I don't fucking understand him!

Is he acting like a good father now?

"I don't need your money," I deadpanned making everyone go quiet.

Okay, I think I might or might not have sounded like a bitch. Kudos to you and your mouth, Nat.


She is definitely not the type of person I expect she would be.

Regardless of how she acts, she is still my daughter and I'm proud to say that I can see her as someone strong and independent.

The way she speaks, with her head high while keeping eye-contact screams confidence, power, and authority.

I continued to observe her and the only things that I noticed is that she remained emotionless throughout everything. She didn't react. No emotion at all.

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