chapter 39

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I'm pretty sure I locked the door! How the fuck did he get in?!

"Your doorknob is broken making your door hang open." I dropped the call immediately, he was still standing by the doorway. "Why is it even broken?" He asked, furrowing his brows while looking at my doorknob.

"Huh? I'm pretty sure I locked it." I answered, walking to the door to see the latch is gone. "The fuck?" I mumbled when some screws fell to the floor.

"Did you break the door knob, Niccolo?"

I accused, crossing my arms as he step inside of my room while I kicked the door close, keeping my foot on the door making sure it won't open.

"Number one, I would never 'cause breaking doorknobs aren't my thing. Number two, you dropped this and I planned on returning it to you before anyone could see it but as I was about to knock, your door just flew open," Niccolo handed me one of my rings. It must've fallen off my pocket when I took my phone. I removed it earlier because I washed my hands.

"Code 357. It has a tracking chip in it, right?" he smirked. "And number three, you're what now?" he returned his facial expression to being serious.

I raised my brow at him, crossing my arms. "What did you hear?" I asked, slowly taking the gun strapped on my waist, hidden behind my blazer.

"That part where you said "Just do it" and the "As Natalia or Viper I get what I want" par," he said making me point my gun at him as he immediately raised both of his hands.

"Woah, sis! Easy! That's no way to treat your older brother!" He nervously laughed.

With the gun still in my hand, pointing at him, I took the small table and pushed it to the door to hold it close using my feet.

"I promise I won't snitch! Let me explain first!" Niccolo scratched his head.

I put my gun away, crossing my arm as Niccolo sat on my bed. "I'm the smartest in the family, for your information so the first time I saw you I had the same reaction as them. Surprised. But on the first time meeting you, that was at the restaurant, that's where my suspicion started," he said.

One of my brows raised at him making him continue. "You never reacted when you met Avy for the first time. Like you already knew about her— no no... it's like you already knew about us. You were calm at all times."

"What if I'm just a calm person?" I retorted.

"Could be. But what confirmed my suspicions was when you hacked into our information system," he smirked making my eyes widen.

Niccolo chuckled and held out his phone. "Everyone who enters our system, even if they clear their traces, a copy of their prints will remain on my main computer. I immediately managed to trace you down and your system. I found out that you have gone inside our system three times already before we even met you."

"No matter what I do, I really can't beat vision 297, when it comes to hacking." I rolled my eyes.

"You know who I am?!" Niccolo said in surprise.

"Mhm." I hummed in response. "So why didn't you tell them?" I asked.

"Because it's not my place to say," he shrugged. "Dad taught me to never make reckless decisions for others especially if we have no right to meddle with it. Besides, I know you have your reasons."

I sat on the chair across from his, crossing my legs and arms as I just continued listening to what he had to say.

"I promise I won't tell them anything! All your secrets are safe with me," he gestured that zipping mouth thing with his fingers.

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