chapter 14

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I shook my head and clicked my tongue, "Ok," I answered. No matter how hard I try to avoid it, it's like something is pulling me closer to them.

If I fly back to Italy, I have this gut feeling that we will eventually cross paths there again, or maybe follow me because they'll have to be investigated and followed here in America if one of their men sees me.

This is their territory after all.

"I know you would say that but I promise we will— wait! Did you just say 'ok'?! Like you would come to our house for a test or 'ok' that you would hear us out first?" His eyes widen with both hands on the table.

Damn is he really twenty-two?


I didn't bat any emotion, I just deadpanned and answered his questions with one word but even so, a huge smile crept on his lips like a damn lunatic.

"I'm Nicholas by the way. Twenty-two. And this is my Nephew, Elijah. Three," he introduced.

Oh, so he's the older twin. The underground fighter. Though up until now, I don't know his underground code name because I got to admit it, they're good at keeping it private.

"How about you, what's your name?"

I didn't answer immediately. I just looked at him for a second. Either way, they're going to find out right?

"Natalia Rossi."

His eyes widen and his jaw slightly dropped. I mentally rolled my eyes at how dramatic he is. He just stayed silent but I was taken aback by his next move.

"Let's go now!" He abruptly stood up.

"What?" I furrowed my brows, looking at him. What does he mean 'now'?

"Let's have the DNA test now, at our house. My... our..." he stopped and tilted his head a little like a confused puppy while looking at me, "Your potential family is in chaos right now. So we need a test right now so everyone will calm down. Right, Elijah?" He looked at the kid who was busy playing with the phone.

"Mama Liz was crying," he pouted.

"That's why we need to go now. Come on," he said standing up and pulling me up to stand, dragging me outside the mall.

When we exited the restaurant, I raised my brow looking around before forcefully pulling my arm away from his hold.

He looked at me confusingly.

"You forgot the damn kid," I deadpanned.

He gasped and held onto his chest looking around with no sight of Elijah the kid. He fucking forgot his nephew inside the restaurant for goodness sake.

"Oh, shit. Cole is gonna kill me!" He ran back inside the restaurant, but when he reached the door, he ran back to where I was standing again.

"Don't even try running away," he panted before running back into the restaurant, glancing at me every second.

He even hit a waiter for god's sake.

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