chapter 43

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I take all my words back. Definitely not the kind, loving and caring person I thought. I'm genuinely in fear of my daughter right now.

She's like a different person. Well, she still somehow acts like how she acts at home with the way she converses and such but this is just... I'm amazed.

She made it seem like she's been doing this for years.

Although the part where shoved that man to the ground was a bit violent, I'm still proud of how she stood up for herself.

I was about to punch the bastard of only Cole and Zeke didn't stop me and Natalia, signaling me to sit down.

I'm in her territory so I need to know my place.

The three of us waited for her response. She seems to be thinking deeply. The emotionless look on her face gives more anxiousness.

She just stood up, not saying a word as she fixed her clothes.

"I hope for a great partnership from Black Cooperations," Natalia said with a small smile, letting out her hand for a handshake which I gladly accepted.

"Let's have the contract established today," she said. "Let's continue this in my office." She walked out of the conference room as the three of us followed.

We entered the elevator as Natalia placed the button going to the top floor. I guess the whole floor belongs to her.

Entering her office she refused to sit on her chair making all of us sit on the couch. "Gael will be here to list down the contract terms," she said, relaxing on her seat. "Let's start."


Finally, it's done!

After signing the contracts I stood up and returned to my desk before running my hand through my hair.

"Are you alright?" Cole asked.

I rested my arms on the table, leaning on my chair. "No! This was far by the longest meeting I ever attended." It was a total of four hours! I can't believe I managed to survive that.

The three of them looked at me weirdly.

"What?" I raised my brows. "I'm not used to it."

Lucian, Cole, and Zeke just shook their heads trying to stop themselves from smiling making me give them a quick eye roll.

"Can I ask some questions?" Zeke raised his hands.

"No." I deadpanned.

It's obviously something about my position as the CEO. A question like that shouldn't be talked about here.

I looked at my watch to check the time. It was already six in the evening. "Well, time to go back to the house." I fixed all the messed-up folders, closed my computer, and returned everything I have scattered all over the desk back inside the drawers.

Standing up, I grabbed my bag and proceeded to walk to the door, "Let's go now."

Upon reaching the elevator with the three idiots—


Upon reaching the elevator with the three biologicals, Gael also followed as I gave him final instructions.

"I want you to prepare another contract for another partnership. Whenever someone wants to schedule a meeting, make sure to have a thorough check on the company's background. One small issue and they're declined."

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