chapter 50

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"I thought you said you don't cry!" I dramatically gasped holding my chest when Lucian suddenly burst into tears.

His hand was covering his eyes, wiping the tears away but it won't seem to stop. I tried to stifle my laugh but I just can't!

"I'm not crying! My eyes were just sweaty," he defended making me laugh.

"Why are you even crying?!" I questioned patting him on the shoulder but it seemed it made him cry even more!

"Because you called me dad!" he sobbed louder.


"You called me your dad!"

"I heard you the first time! I mean— ugh whatever! Stop crying, gosh!"

"I can't!"

"You can!"

"I can't the lacrimal glands located above my eyes are overflowing!" he mumbled making me furrow my brows.

"Lacri- what now?" I swear he's starting to make up words!

I was about to say something again when someone knocked on his office door before it slowly opened. "Sweetheart, when are you going to bed— oh my God, why is he crying?" Elizabeth closed the door and rushed to Lucian immediately.

"He's very emotional right now," I said while I nod my head.

"What? Why?"

"She called my dad!" Lucian- dad, said like he's accusing me of something.

"Mom! Make him stop!" I massaged the temple of my head but rather, Elizabeth- mom had her hands on her mouth as she started tearing up.

"You called me mom..." she whispered under her breath.

Sometimes I wish there would be a hole underneath me and swallow me alive because right now, mom was crying along with dad!

"I'm done. You two really deserve each other. Good night!" I said leaving them in the office as I casually walked back to my room.

They're so damn dramatic!


"Boss, Adrianna's dead."

"Bullshit!" I shouted as I threw the glass on the wall out of frustration. We were so close to starting the plan and she decided to get herself caught!

"I think, we should... I think it's time to stop messing with her, cousin," Philip said.

One of my brows raised as I got curious about the sudden change of mind. He was determined to get her, why the sudden change? "And why should we? We came this far, why are you backing out now?" I asked.

"My... my relatives are getting killed one by one... first my properties and now..." He sounded scared which irked me because he sounds so weak.

"You own a mafia, right? Yet you're getting scared of a little girl? Who cares about your relatives, let them die as if they have any use to you," I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

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