chapter 58

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"I can't believe this! I just can't! Does that mean he's literally near me this whole time?! For the past six months? Impossible! I would've figured him out from his face, if not from his voice!" I slammed my hands on his office table, letting my frustrations out while Aries just sat there on the couch, listening quietly.

"Do you see someone suspicious from your family?" Aries asked.

"No? Maeve was not suspicious at all! damn the whole family is good at pretending and lying, of course! They're trained to do so! We've been deceiving each other for almost half a year!" I ran my hand through my hair.

I'm pretty sure I ran a background check on all of them. Did I miss someone? I even went far, manipulating Niccolo to give me access to the whole family data.

"What if he was lying just to mess with you?"

I had wondered about that too but I don't see the point of him lying on the verge of his death. Seeing his slowly getting burnt down was satisfying to my eyes yet somehow I was pissed at the thought that he could have said it sooner!

"I need to go back to the mansion," I said taking a deep breath.

Aries stood up, looking a little nervous. "Before you go back, we need to talk first," he said.

"Sure. About what?" I asked furrowing my brows.

He was about to say something when his phone suddenly rang.

Of course.

"It's dad, I'll just take this call,' he said before exiting his office.

As the doors closed I looked around his office as I wait for him. I know it will never be a quick phone call, it would always last around five minutes but never less than that.

I looked at the books on his shelf again for the hundredth time already as my eyes caught sight of a box on the bottom corner of the shelf.

Kneeling down and taking the box, I dusted it off seeing it labeled with a red-inked marker on top.

Trashed Cases

This seems interesting. I carried the box and placed it on his table as I sat on his chair taking the lid off.

It was filled with stacks of folders with a red x mark on the middle.

Damn, I never knew that they trash cases. I scanned the first folder and it was a drug lord in Santa Monica. There was a photo of him clipped alongside a paper filled with his personal details.

The rests were photos and documents of his transactions with small gangs. On the very last page was the cause of why they trashed the case. It seems like he died in the middle of a gang war.

So sad.

I placed it down and took the next folder. It was a woman who is being investigated as a serial killer in La Miranda. She has killed 18 teenagers and was involved in two school shootings.

The case was trashed because the police had custody of her before they could even start the case.

"Well, this is getting boring," I pursed my lips to the side taking the next folder.

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