chapter 27

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My system slowly woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating. Checking the time, it's already past ten thirty in the morning.

I haven't slept that much these past few days.

Getting out of my bed, I did a little stretch before going to the shower and changing into casual clothes. Just a sage green tank top and denim shorts.

I went downstairs to see Elizabeth sitting on the living room couch while on her Ipad. She seems to hear my footsteps going down making her turn around.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Your dad and brothers went to work while Avy went to uni, while Sam is with Elijah at daycare," she explained.

So I guess the twins also go to work.

"Oh? What are their jobs?" I asked in curiosity because, to be honest, I don't know either about their legal jobs. Only Matteo who's a doctor.

Elizabeth stood up and smiled, "Well, Cole is the CEO, while Zeke is the COO, your dad just assists them there," she started.

Yeah, sure. Assist them.

"Matteo is a doctor, as you know. Niccolo is best with computers so he's part of the security team, making firewalls and codes for the company's database and Nicholas is like... just there."

Hmm. Maybe Niccolo is their hacker making their firewalls that's why I can't surpass it. And as for Nicholas, there's really nothing he can do in a company if he's more well known to be an underground fighter that owns tons of fight clubs.

"Oh here, I've prepared a snack for you," Elizabeth held my arms, dragging me along with her to the kitchen island. "Lunch will be in an hour or so. As for now, let's just stay in the living room."

I took the bowl of yogurt as I walk behind Elizabeth as we both sat comfortably in the living room.

We just had a casual talk. She talked about her life when she was still a model and how she met Lucian. I asked some questions about it out of curiosity.

Their story is quite interesting

I've never felt this comfortable talking to other people this long about random things and it's only been two days.

After having lunch with Elizabeth, I informed her that I have to go somewhere. She seems to be reluctant on letting me leave the house alone to the point that she suggested having at least one car following me from behind.

Luckily, I manage to talk her out of it since I don't want other people following me around and telling me about my whereabouts.

When I reached my car, I looked around to see if there are any planted tracking devices inside. I used the device Yvaine invented to see if there was.

It's a special device that beeps whenever it can signal a tracking device. Since those kinds of devices use a type of signal, Yvaine manages to create a code where it detects it from a maximum of ten meters away.

And to my surprise, there was!

I drove out of the mansion, driving to a distance before stopping on the side of the road. I scanned the outside of my car and saw a small black chip, just beside the right headlight.

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