chapter 57

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"Yes, just get him and bring him here," Natalia sat on her chair playing with the pen on her fingers while Dasan and the rest of his team stood in front of her, listening carefully to her orders.

She truly did keep her word of not attending the ball. Instead, she sent her to get the person they are anticipating to attack for tonight.

"Make sure no one will get hurt, understood? That also goes for all of you." The authority in her voice was something unusual to them.

Most of the time, she's calm when giving orders, but tonight, it felt different. It sounded so cold and stressed at the same time.

"Yes, boss," they all said in unison.

"Zath, Idalia, stay. I need to talk to the both of you," she pointed at them with her pen as the two remained on their spot while the others left the office.

No one of the two said a word. It has always been an unspoken rule to never talk when the boss has not permitted you to do so or is not in an emergency.

"Zath, I assume you're on good terms with Maeve's family?" She asked, leaning back on her chair, right leg over the left as her arms were crossed together.

"Yes. Maeve and I broke up two months ago," Zathrian stated making Natalia furrow her brows.

"Three months?" She asked.

"Yes. She...cheated. Because she thought I was cheating on her," Zathrian looked away for a minute before looking back at his boss. "But it's done. There's nothing I can do about it. I heard she was brought to their cells for something she did to her siblings."

"Ah, yes. Last night," Natalia confirmed before averting her gaze to Idialia who was very curious to know why she's left there to listen to their conversation.

"I'll take my leave first, boss." Zathrian bowed his head a little before leaving the office.

"Idalia, have Zeke called you?"

"Uhm... now that you've mentioned it, I don't think so! Wait lemme call him!" She smiled.

"Don't," Natalia said, pointing at Idalia's phone. "There's something you need to know."

Idalia's brows furrowed, wondering what they were going to talk about.

"I told Zeke the truth last night," Natalia said, straight to the point. "He already knows who you work for me, and I'm not going to apologize for that because I gave you an option if you want to do it or not, and you agreed."

She's heartless, no doubt.

But Idalia somehow trusts her decisions. "It's okay, boss! I owe you my life, I'll do anything for you, of course!" Her smile was so genuine, sounding so cheerful in such a situation.

"You've already paid me a long time ago, Idalia. The moment you worked under me and remained loyal." Natalia stood up from her seat walking to her with her hands in her pocket. "I want you to focus tonight. A mission is a mission, don't let my brother get in your way," she stated looking out the window from her office.

"Yes, boss. I promise! Although I feel like Zeke would get really mad," she scratched the back of her neck, nervous about what he might do or say. Knowing that the Delavin family never lets anyone betray them, a part of her has thought of the possible consequences.

"I would never let him lay a hand on you, Idalia. That I promise," Natalia said before stopping for a moment, taking a deep breath, "But at the same time, you don't betray him either."

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