chapter 11

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Okay, seriously! What time would that bitch arrive?

I have been serving and taking orders for over an hour now and he still hasn't entered the restaurant yet.

Aries was sure he has a reservation here for dinner but the time was unsure that pisses me off. I don't like waiting.

I just finished taking the orders from one table as I received a message from Aries.

"Take the table there will you?" I frustratingly shoved the notepad at the other waitress by the counter who is scrolling through Twitter on her phone as I proceeded to the staff area and checked my phone.

He's on his way.
Around fifteen minutes, get ready.

Fucking finally.

"Hey, you there. Take table seventeen. Make sure to serve them well. They're our VIP customers," the head waiter said making me roll my eyes.

VIP customers my ass.

"Then you do it then," I answered basically pissing him off. He could've said it to me more respectfully. He sounded so demanding just because his position is higher than mine.

"Do you want to get fired?!" He scolded.

It's not like I work here anyways.

"Fine. Whatever!" I took the notepad from his hands and walked towards the table but halted halfway when I realized who those customers were.

Oh hell no!

Not the fucking biologicals. Out of all restaurants and time! Why does this shit keep on happening to me?

I blame Aries and Alejandro for this. Definitely their fault.

"What are you waiting for newbie? Go!" Scolded the manager.

"Can you do it? I'm..." I fake coughed, "I feel sick." I pretended.

"Bullshit. Just take their damn orders or I will fucking kick you out of this restaurant now!"


I can't get myself kicked out of this place especially since the target hasn't even arrived yet. I need to finish this tonight or else things might get even worse for them.

Whatever, after tonight, they won't be seeing me ever again.

I continued walking toward their table. They seem so happy chatting with each other making me mentally scoff.

I stood beside the youngest girl, who I presume to be my twin so I won't be able to hold any sort of eye contact with her and so that I could stand oppositely to the biological parents.

"Good evening, what will be your order for tonight?" I asked faking the happiness in my tone because I could feel the manager's eyes on me.

Damn my cheeks hate fake smiling.

Lucian, who I know is my father averted his gaze from the menu to me and an expression of shock was visible on his face.

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