chapter 32

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"You ready?" I asked while strapping the weapons on my body as Aries was doing the same too.

I just grabbed myself a black turtle neck long-sleeved shirt, black shorts, fishnets, two-inch boots, and a leather jacket.

"Yes," he answered, as he placed the gun in his holster.

I looked at him all dressed up. He wore a black turtle neck shirt, black pants, combat boots, and a leather jacket. This is not his usual outfit but damn he looks good wearing those.

"You sure you wanna come? There's still time to back out," I asked again for the tenth time.

It's not like I don't want him to be there. I just don't like the idea of him having the possibility of getting hurt.

Aries rolled his eyes and took a step closer to me. He placed his hands on my shoulders, looking down a little. "I won't change my mind. I'll come with you," he coldly says, sure about his decision.

"Make sure you don't die," I crossed my arms, raising my brow.

He chuckled a little before answering, "I won't. I'll be your back-up."

We both exited my house and ride on separate bikes. It's easier and faster to escape that way in case things go wrong.

Once we arrive at a small abandoned building after a forty-minute drive, Aries and I parked our bikes in the back.

"There's no one guarding the outside," I scanned the area. "Let's go," I ran to the back, climbed on the tree, and jumped to reach the roof.

"This is the gang that I need to infiltrate next week," Aries mumbled as we both watch how they surrounded children and women tied up.

One kid was yelling and shouting at one of the guys making him pull the trigger, and shooting her in the head. Killing her in front of them all.

"If you call for back-up, you'll get dragged in this. We need to deal with the men," I said opening the small can of smoke grenade. "Once the floor is covered in smoke, we need to kill them all. Approximately three minutes before the smoke disappears. We need to wear our masks."

I took the knife out of my back pocket. "We need to be quick and quiet," I said while counting the number of men below and memorizing their positions.

"You take the left, while I take the right," Aries stated, preparing himself.

He gave me a nod indicating he was ready so I pulled the pin from the smoke grenade and there it threw it below.

When the smoke was thick enough, we both jumped down as I started with one man, grabbing his shoulder and slashing his throat, killing him immediately.

Then I felt another person from behind and to my side so I killed them just like before and the rest.

When the smoke is about to clear up, I grabbed my gun with a silencer and started shooting the men who are about to attack.

As I stabbed my knife through one of the woman's chests making her fall to the ground, Aries got up and shouted aiming his gun at me, "Nat! Behind you!" He yelled so I ducked as he shot the man attacking me from behind while I threw my knife at the man trying to sneak from his behind.

"Check the area," I said as we both went on our separate ways.

The kids and woman kept crying and it was starting to hurt my ears.

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