chapter 13

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I slowly woke up laying on Aries' bare chest while his hands were wrapped around my waist. The memory from last night flashed through my head making me smile.

I looked up to his sleeping face admiring how gorgeous he looks from this angle. My fingers unconsciously traced his jaw causing him to slowly wake up.

"Shit. Did I wake you up?" I asked.

"Well, yes and no," he softly chuckled. "Glad that you're still beside me."

I sarcastically scoffed and slowly sat up with the blanket covering my bare front. "You have work today?" I asked scrolling through my phone to check my e-mails.

"Yes," he answered, still laying on the bed.

"Then you better get going. It's already ten in the morning."

Aries abruptly sat up snatching the phone from my hand, "What?!" he asked, surprised looking at the time on my phone.

"Shit," he mumbled, but was audible enough for me to hear.

I laughed loudly, taking the phone from his hand. "That's what you get for going four rounds last night."

"Well, if it's you, I don't mind getting late for work," he whispered in my ear before placing a kiss on my back shoulder.

"Oh, hell no. You're going to work today, Ramirez, or else Alejandro will throw a fit. And I," I faced him, leaning closer, placing a kiss on his neck, "I will be going to the mall to buy some things."

I heard him groan as I stood up walking to the bathroom to get myself cleaned up. I was about to close the door but Aries stopped it with his foot.

"Let's take a shower together."

As I entered the mall, I first made my way to the furniture shop to buy some things for my house. I need to replace some things because I may or may not have broken some plates and glass out of frustration last week.

I just wore a casual blue oversized blouse tucked inside my white shorts and white sneakers with a tote bag. Letting my hair down, I applied light make-up, my earrings, and lastly, my perfume.

After buying everything I needed and placing them back in my car, I returned to the mall to look around for some useless things that I want to buy.


"Uncle! Toy! Plane!" My nephew shouted, pointing towards a toy store.

"You want a toy? Sure, let's buy one," I softly laughed while I watch him happily running towards the toy store.

What if I buy the whole toy company for him? But if Sam finds out, she'll surely get mad for sure. If she finds out.

Cole said that I should bring Elijah to the mall today since they will be busy tracking down the girl from last night who we all assume to be Natalia, Avyanna's younger twin.

They started their search when we arrived home, Niccolo, my younger twin who is best at hacking had gone through all the systems to search for her but we couldn't find her anywhere.

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