chapter 49

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This is it. Just answer the questions and forget everything that happened.

I now stood in front of the entrance door of the mansion. It's already eight in the evening meaning they're all in the living room by now since they just finished having dinner.

Slowly opening the door, I quietly walked inside going towards the living room. I guess Lucian felt my presence immediately when he suddenly stood up.

He fastly walked going towards me while I remained my face blank, waiting for him to say something, but instead, I found myself wrapped in his embrace. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'm sorry that I failed to protect you."

I bit my lower lip trying to stop myself from reacting. Fucking hell! Seeing them like this just feels so weird like someone's invisibly stabbing my chest.

"It's not your fault," I say parting myself from Lucian.

Lucian sighed heavily, "Please, let's talk to us, we can help you find him."

That's the thing. I don't want them all to know because they'll just have the urge to look into it and get caught in an invisible trap. They'll get themselves hurt.

"We won't get ourselves hurt. You need to stop underestimating what we're capable of," Lucian shook his head.

I followed him to the living room as Avyanna immediately ran towards me, giving me a tight hug, making the both of us almost fall on the floor.

"Thank god you returned! I thought I was going to lose my sister again!" I can hear her soft sobs as she buried her face in the crook of my neck.

I patted her back gently to calm her down. She's always been emotional but I got used to it. She eventually let go of the hug as she sat down on the couch.

"I want to see the list of enemies you have," I said.

"Absolutely not!" It was Zeke who raised his voice making me raise my brows at him.

"And why not? I have my men to search for him," I answered, but technically it would be my and Dasan's team who would search.

"Your men?" Nicholas asked.

"Yeah? The men in my company? They could be used for private matters, of course," I answered while Niccolo looked at me suspiciously he already know that I'm lying.

"You can't," Cole stated.

"Why not?"

"Just give us his name and we'll do the rest," Cole answered.

I heaved a heavy sigh pinching the bridge of my nose in annoyance, "That's the fucking point, I don't fucking know his fucking name fuck!"

"Language," Lucian called. It wasn't some sort of scolding tone so I don't think he's really serious about it.

I just rolled my eyes and crossed my arms together. Why can't they just give me what I want?! "I have no clue what's his name, okay? I just know him from his shitty face."

"Why don't you seat down first and calm down, sweetheart," Elizabeth walked towards me, guiding me to sit down on the couch beside Avyanna.

I was very confused but I just let her do what she wants. I'm betting they're going to ask questions in three...



"What did he do to you?" Matteo asked, "Do you have injuries right now? I'll get them treated right away," he sounded worried.

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