special chapter 1

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"No! I don't want to!" I whined as Aries was trying to pull me out of bed.

I could hear his faint chuckle from him making me groan. "It's too early!" I complained, burying my head under the pillows.

"Love, it's already 11 in the morning," he said making me roll my eyes.

I threw the pillow to the side and sat on the edge of the bed. Aries kissed my forehead before pulling me again to stand up.

"What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be at work?" I said, raising a brow.

He comes and goes out of the mansion like it's his own house.

I've agreed to live here for a while because they still want to make up for that lost three years. I don't have any problems with that since I don't have any more to hide and I kinda miss them too.

It's been three months since I returned and things were as chaotic as before.

"I do have work," Aries answered. "But it's with Cole and Zeke."

My brows furrowed, squinting my eyes as I looked at him, "You're getting too close to my brothers," I mumbled. "What are you three doing?"

Aries let out a low laugh as he fixed my hair to the side, "Just work. We're tracking down a gang that's been touching their shipments and our current suspects."

"I could track that down easily, why ask help from them, huh?" I scoffed.

A grin crept on his face, looking at me with amusement, "Stop getting jealous of your brothers," he lowly chuckled.

"I'm not!" I defended. "Why the hell would I? I'm far much better than them," I rolled my eyes.

I'm not jealous of my brothers just because they get to have Aries' attention for work and get to see him all the time and talk to him. It's a normal work thing so why am I even bothered?! They are both in a relationship!

"Your loss anyways," I clicked my tongue making Aries laugh which pissed me the hell off. He pulled me closer, wrapping his arms around my waist before resting his chin on top of my shoulder.

"You're getting crazier every day," he mumbled.

I was about to say something when the door flew open.

"Oh shit! Gross!"

We both turned around to see Nicholas by my door with his eyes covered with his hand. "I didn't see anything!" He yelled.

"Because we weren't doing anything, stupid! What the hell do you want?!" I scolded, glaring at Nicholas.

"Just want to wake you up but I guess someone beat me to it," he pouted like a child, crossing his arms. "Anyways, we're going out today! Twin date day!" He shouted.

"Twin what?" I asked, confused.

"Woman! We prepared for this day for a week! It will be just you, Avy, Niccolo, and me!" He pointed to his chest. "Wear something purple, okay? See ya!" He added before slamming the door shut.

I sighed heavily, shaking my head. "I don't even remember planning with them."

Aries chuckled, taking a small step back while holding my shoulders, "You better go. You know how your siblings are."

"I know right? And they're supposed to be the older ones!" I complained. "Whatever, I'm taking a bath. See you when I see you. Love you."

"You three are unbelievable! Why are we on a yacht? What the hell are we supposed to do here? Fish for mermaids?!" I complained.

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