chapter 47

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"Yes?" She answered.

"Legally speaking, what do we do to people who commit attempted murder?" I asked, crossing my arms while tapping my feet on the floor.

"We put them to jail," she coldly answered.

Elizabeth took Elijah away from the scene as she and Avyanna tried to calm him down inside his room as the rest stayed behind.

"How about, illegally? What do we do?" I asked again.

"We kill them," Cole answered, pointing his gun towards her head.

I smiled sweetly at her as I take a step forward. "You heard them, right? Kill," I stated.

The fear in her eyes was visible but she tried her best to remain unfazed and tough. If she thinks she can fucking enjoy life, well, not on my fucking watch.

"What do you say, Adrianna?"

I kneeled down in front of her, aggressively pulling her chin up to meet her eyes. "Hm. You work for him, huh? Too bad he's about to lose one of his minions," I leaned closer to her ear before continuing, "And I figured you already know who I am and what I'm capable of," I whispered as she suddenly turned pale.

"But, I don't want to stain my hands with your blood," I stated before standing up.

Nicholas walked behind her as he hit her neck, knocking her out unconscious.

"Men, bring her to the warehouse," Lucian ordered as three of his men carried Adrianna's unconscious body.

"You were right all this time, Sam." I turned around, crossing my arms as I faced her. Samantha was quiet and seemed to be deep in thought as I felt like she didn't hear what I said.

"W- what?" She asked when she suddenly snapped back into reality.

"You have been secretly investigating her for months now, right? Your suspicions about her were right all along."

Cole looked at her in surprise, "You've been investigating her? Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. "And how do you know?" He looked at me but I just shrugged.

"She served your family for twenty-one years. She's been here longer than I was, if I'm not careful, she'll flip the whole story around," Samantha explained.

"Wait, twenty-one years?" I asked.

"Yeah, remember when I told you she took care of Avyanna since she was born?" Samantha answered.

Twenty-one years ago? It doesn't make sense.

"We never got along since the beginning. I had to fake my actions towards her because I was scared of what she would do to Elijah and thankfully she didn't hurt him before," Samantha said as Cole held her hand.

"Are you going to kill her? Like now?" I asked.

Lucian cleared his throat before answering, "Maybe torture first before killing. You don't need to witness that," he said. "Wait how did you even know that she—"

"Anonymous tip," I showed him my phone revealing a fake message that I staged.

"Wait! What does she mean by 'he would always find you' and 'getting chained to the wall like old times'?" Zeke asked making me blink my eyes multiple times.


"She mentioned about someone trying to get you. Who is it?" Zeke asked again, clearly trying to control his anger.

"Just a psycho," I answered.

If they find out what happened to me before, who knows what would happen! They might end up meddling with my business which I wouldn't like.

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