chapter 55

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When I arrived back at the house at around nine in the evening, I bumped into Matteo who just came down the stairs.

"Oh, you're here already. Have you eaten dinner?" He asked.

"Yes," I answered. "Just a quick question, should I go to the living room or run upstairs to my room?" I asked.

"Natalia, we know you're here. In the living room, now." Yep, that was definitely Cole's voice.

"Good luck, baby sis. Don't worry, I have your back." Matteo smiled as he patted my head.

Good luck to me, I guess.

I walked to the living with Matteo behind me. "Sit down, daughter. We need to have a talk with the whole family," dad said. I don't really feel nervous, I don't know why.

"With what happened earlier," dad started. "I just want to ask, does he know everything about you?"


Dad seemed to be surprised by my answer. "I may not be that bright but I'm not stupid enough to acquaint myself with someone who would bring me to jail. If they did plan so, I would have killed the Ramirez's right away," I added.

"How did you even meet them in the first place?" Mom asked, curious.

I rested my back on the couch as I tell how I met them skipping a few things. They all listened quietly, not saying anything.

"Just like you, we also had an agreement not to meddle with each others' business." I finished.

"He started an investigation on us six months ago," Zeke stated.

"Yeah, no. That was me. As I told dad before, I already knew about you even before all of us met. That time in the ball and at the restaurant was just an undercover assignment. I had to look you up to see if you were going to attend the ball which you really did," I shrugged.

"Ouch?!" Nicholas reacted from the side.

"There's no need to worry, he won't do anything to you. If he dares to do so, it means he would be betraying me, and Aries would never do that." I said standing up.

"How are you so sure?" Zeke asked raising his brow. "Even if you two knew each other for four years, he could still use you."

"He won't." I retaliated.

Zeke scoffed rolling his eyes. "Zeke, that's enough," Matteo said when he noticed Zeke's frustrated attitude. "Trust her decisions."

"No, Matteo. I don't approve of this and I know everyone agrees with me too!" Zeke raised his voice.

"Ezekiel!" Dad scolded.

"I don't need your approval!" I hissed. "I never even plan on telling you in the first place!" I took a step closer to Zeke. "Stop meddling with my personal business." I coldly stated.

"Natalia, Zeke both of you calm down," Cole started. "Nat, we're just concerned about—"

"About my safety? I get it, I understand but I can perfectly protect myself." I retaliated. "I lived 19 years of my life without all of you, isn't that enough proof that I can handle myself perfectly?"

Every one of them stood there quietly making me scoff. "Just fucking stop it—"


We all looked in the direction of where the loud voice that called me came from. My brows furrowed when she stormed inside the house looking at me with pure range in her eyes.

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