chapter 5

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Hold and behold the thing I dreaded the most to happen had happened. I quickly glanced up to see who I bumped into and it even made it much better!

My sperm donor is right in front of me right now.

"Dad? I'm right behind you?" A voice of a lady said from behind.

And the splitted egg cell is here. Great!

I can see confusion and shock in the eyes of my sperm donor but I have much more important things to tend to like catching that fucking killer.

I shouldn't have come here but oh well, my life is quite boring and I need drama so whatever happens next, good luck to me I guess.

I tried to remain calm and pretended to be clueless about everything. I bowed my head and walked past him.

When I reached the door, I quickly ran towards the restroom area and abruptly opened the door and I saw the man, the killer choking the lady with a knife pointed to her throat.

Where the fuck is Aries?!


"Is everyone ready?" I asked my wife and kids as they were all doing some finishing touches on their clothes for the event that we're attending tonight.

"Can I back out, dad?" the younger boy twin, Niccolo whined.

"Sorry, Nic but we need to be a complete family there," my wife Elizabeth answered.

"I think I have unfinished homework," said the youngest of the family, my daughter.

Nicholas and Matteo laughed, "I doubt that Avy. You always finish your homework the day they are given to you. And as far as I remember, you told me yesterday that you don't have anything more to do." Nicholas said and Matteo nodded.

"I don't like attending these kinds of things," Avyanna mumbled.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about that little sis. It's just a four-hour event, don't worry. We'll be home in no time," my eldest, Cole went down the stairs carrying his son, Elijah in his arms and his wife, Samantha behind him.

His family is very beautiful... and complete.

"Let's go, everyone."

When we arrive there, many people are already in the venue drinking champagne or wine. The host is already speaking and we all split up to talk to known business partners.

I was walking toward my wife and Cole when one of their waitresses accidentally bumped into in.

"I'm sorry, sir," she apologized. An Italian accent can be heard in her tone so I guess she must've been an exchange student who's undergoing training since she looks a little young.

When she looked in my direction, I was surprised to see my youngest daughter. "Avy? What on earth are you wearing?" I asked but she didn't answer.

"Dad? I'm right behind you?" I heard Avyanna's voice say from behind.

Wait... no.


I was about to say something when she calmly walked past me and exited the venue. I quickly turned around following her with my gaze when Avyanna walked toward me looking worried.

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