chapter 25

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When we arrive home, everyone is already preparing for dinner. Did we really stay out that long? I checked my watch to see it was almost seven in the evening.

Lucian and the others just arrived too. Cole is carrying Elijah who's asleep, while Samantha walked beside him.

"Hello, how did your day go?" Lucian greeted kissing Elizabeth on the cheeks and Avyanna and me on the temple of our heads.

Is this a normal thing?

"Great. We went shopping." Elizabeth answered. "Don't worry your card wasn't hurt that much," she chuckled.

They placed all their things down and all of us proceeded to the dining room for dinner.

It went like how it was last night and earlier.

The casual conversation and catching up. Avyanna and Nicholas were always the talkative ones telling everything that happened and the rest just listened attentively.

As I finished my food, I just sat there, listening to them on whatever business topic they were talking about.

When dinner officially ended, like everyone was done eating and talking, we all made our way to our respective rooms or offices, I guess.

After taking a half bath, I changed into my night clothes. A pair of gray shorts and an oversized black shirt with my hair messily tied in a claw clip.

I took my laptop and went over some e-mails from Felix to monitor how the business is going on. Luckily there were no problems at all.

The only thing I need to worry about is the other business. And just on cue, my phone rang.

"Update?" I asked.

[Dasan] "Boss, we... um..."

He started to stutter, not being able to formulate a sentence. I could feel the annoyance rising in me because Dasan wouldn't speak like this unless it was something much more worst.

"I need words."

[Dasan] "We found out that every warehouse of ours here has one man who works for the Irish mafia. He or she had been fake tampering with some of our products and instead of disarming them, they bring it to their base."

I breathe deeply trying to calm myself. I felt my blood boiling and it seems that's not all he has to report.

[Dasan] "Estimate loss, around one fifty million. They've been doing this for a year now. They've already spoken and said the same thing, said the same name."

A lot are about to lose their fucking jobs.

Dasan continued telling me every detail of what happened as I walked to the pool area of the house. I need to get out of that room before I fucking trash every piece of furniture in there.

[Dasan] "We have all the rats in our cells. What should we do with them now?"

"Убить их всех! И все, кто об этом знает, так и решили не говорить ни мне, ни вам!" I hissed not giving a damn if anyone hears me. I'm so fucking pissed right now.
(Kill them all! And everyone who knows about it decided not to tell either me or you!)

He really dares to go that far, huh? Then I should too. "Найдите его оставшиеся базы и имущество по всему миру и сожгите их дотла. Я заплачу тебе и всей твоей команде по триста миллионов долларов, как только ты закончишь это. Затем отправьте Феликсу места. Понять?"
(Find his remaining bases and properties around the world and burn them down to ashes. I'll pay you and your whole team three hundred million dollars individually once you complete it. Then send Felix the locations. Understand?)

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