chapter 63

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I've sent a lot of people to their graves, but I never imagined myself standing in front of one of them.

Not until now.

"I'm sorry."

I slowly knelt down, placing a stem of Daisy on top of the headstone.

Maybe, if I wasn't acting careless that day and just listened... maybe things would have turned out differently.

I shook my head, letting out a dry chuckle, trying to wipe off the tears that seemed to be uncontrollably falling from my eyes.

"Ah, fuck. They just won't stop from falling."

Never have I thought my whole life that I would mourn for someone. I've seen people cry for the dead. I've always told myself that crying is useless because we all end up dying anyway.

But now that I'm in the very same place...

It hurts like shit.

I built my walls high because I was afraid to get hurt. I've let the people climb over them, destroy them... but it was me who destroyed myself.

"I never apologize... everyone knows that... but I just can't help but apologize to you... again and again," I mumbled in between sobs.

I bent my knees, resting my forehead on top, closing my eyes. letting myself get lost again in my own what-ifs when I felt someone sit beside me.

"Let's go home, Nat."

I just nodded and stood up, walking back to the car feeling exhausted.

Sleeping was very difficult but I still managed to sleep for around three hours or four.

"Take a nap. We'll arrive in thirty minutes. Your mom cooked you something to eat."

I just nodded again and rested my head on the window, being supported by my arm. The calming music and smooth ride back were enough to help me drift to sleep.

Being able to sleep easily might be something I should be thankful for. But every time I did so, my dreams would always end up reminding me of what happened in that place again and again.

A month ago...

Slowly opening my eyes, I was greeted by a white ceiling surrounded by white walls as the sound of the heart monitor was the only thing I could hear.

"Nat, you're finally awake," my eyes gazed to the left seeing Matteo enter with a clipboard in his hand. "How are you feeling? Are you hurt somewhere?" He asked, caressing my hair gently.

I want to answer but I couldn't seem to find words so I just shook my head.

"I'm going to check you, alright?"

I didn't bother on responding. I don't know what procedures they do in hospitals so I just let him do whatever he needs to.

He's a doctor.

And also my brother.

"Matteo..." I whispered as everything that happened flashed through my mind again. I held my head as it started to throb.

"Avyanna! Go! Dad is here, find him!"

Hot tears were falling from my eyes when I remember those conversations from that night.

"I'm not leaving you here!"

The screaming, the gunshots...

"She's already dead..."

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