chapter 35

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Laurent and Zeke cough in surprise as the rest of us were taken by surprise. Why the fuck would a ten-year-old boy ask for a gun at that age?

I mean, if he had an idea about the whole mafia thing, I would understand but their family is more of a security thing, right?

Though I know, I don't do business with them cause they have their own legal supplier.

"I'll buy you a nerf gun, son." Draven nervously laughed.

"No! I want what you ha—" Draven covered Rhys' mouth before he could say anything making me mentally laugh at the entertaining events in front of me.

Laurent whispered something in Rhys' ear but it just made him throw a small tantrum.

"No! I want it! I want what you have!" He yelled.

"Kid, if you want a gun, just study to become a cop or something. Or be a criminal whatever." I said 'cause the kid's whines are irritating my ear.

"Cop?" He asked with curiosity.

"Yeah. So you can have a gun with you all the time with legal consent. And you can avoid your family getting in jail if they do bad things," I patted his head but my face remained emotionless.


Too many questions!

"Yes. A small room where they keep people and you won't see them ever again. Some die there. They are called criminals." I explained.

I think all of Aries' legal things are getting in my head. Yep. Totally blame him on this.

"Oh... I don't want to put uncles to jail..." he sheepishly said looking down at the floor.

"Alright, go to mom and play on her phone or watch something," Laurent said, taking Rhys away and dragging him back inside the house.

"What is the kid referring to?" I crossed my arms, observing them.

"You said something about bad things and one of those taught to him is cursing. He hears our curses so he thought we'll be put to jail for cursing." Lucian explained like he had said it thousand times.

You're good at lying.

Not wanting to stay and have any more long conversations with them, I just nodded and walked away, going inside the mansion's living room.

When I arrived there, I looked around to see only one person standing by the side of the couch, scrolling through his phone.

"Enjoying yourself here?" I snickered.

"B- boss!"

My brow raised, telling him to be quiet. If anyone hears, we're both gonna be exposed.

"Do they know what you do?" I asked, making sure no one is around.

"Yes. But not the part that I work for you. And that I own the bar. I use that as a cover-up. They know about the team and such though," he explained massaging his nape and giving an awkward smile.

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