chapter 12

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I got inside my car slamming the door shut as I started the engine. I heaved a deep sigh as I finally got out of that place.

I can't believe I stood in front of all of them this evening. I was never prepared and I don't think I will ever be.

I hate them. I despise them.

I need to make sure that I leave no traces for them to find me. Although I know Aries had got that covered already, I still need to double-check. I quickly drove away from the place back to my house still contemplating if I should go back to Italy already.

I have nothing to do here much anyways already since the business is going well and my secretary here seems to have adjusted quickly.

She works well which pleased me very much.

I cannot afford to have people who fucks up the smallest things.

I don't give second chances and I have no room for mistakes. That's what makes my whole business the best.

When I arrived at my house, I immediately hit the cold shower and relaxed my thoughts. I can't believe I'm stressing out about family drama rather than my own business.

Once I was done, I wore a white silk night dress and then dried my hair before going through my laptop making sure that no files of me were left behind even CCTV footage.

I took a sip of my wine as I proceeded to scan through my email and ask for updates from Felix about the company back in Italy.

So far there were no problems so I guess I don't have anything to worry about.

Around an hour later, I heard my doorbell ring making me wonder who could it be. I immediately placed the laptop down and walked to my door.

I know for a fact that it's impossible for them to find me so I have a hunch of who it is.

"Aries?" I mumbled as I opened the door and greeted him.

He was wearing black jogging pants, a white shirt, and white sneakers. It was unusual for him to come here dressed up like that since it was not his work clothes.

"What are you doing here? It's already eleven?"

"I just want to make sure you're alright. After we finished the recording you didn't message me anything," he said without any emotion.

"Oh? But I'm alright." I shrugged and walked towards the kitchen as Aries followed behind.

I opened the refrigerator and grabbed him a glass of water. He keeps on breathing heavily. Is he tired?

"Here," I handed him the glass of water which he immediately drank.

There was a moment of silence between us as I walked towards the living room, sitting on the couch.

"Sorry for not updating you. I came across with them there so I was just lost in thoughts again." I started. Aries set beside me, looking at me as he waited for me to continue. When I said 'them' he immediately understood who I'm referring to.

"How fucking unlucky it was. Imagine, I was forced to take their damn order." I scoffed. "Seeing them being fucking happy together frustrates the shit out of me, you know."

I rested my head on the couch headrest and looked up at the chandelier while Aries' gaze was still fixated on me. "I want to ask them why they sent me away, you know. I want to hear their side but that fucking memory of him telling me those things just kind of stuck."

Closing my eyes tightly, I sighed heavily out of frustration before continuing, "I tried on fighting with my subconscious. It keeps on telling me that they're happy without me. That they really intended to get rid of me. It's so... tiring."

I keep on forcing myself to hear their side just once, to know the fucking truth even if I'm scared of what it may be.

But that bastard's words keep on repeating in my head.

I thought I moved on for eighteen years but he fucking shows up again like a damn un-killable lizard.

I opened my eyes and looked at Aries and softly smiled. "But there's no use of being too emotional for this kind of shit. I'll just return to Italy tomorrow and continue the life I have there."

Saying that made my heart clench. Both of us were quiet, especially Aries.

"I'll tell dad to not send you into any undercover jobs again. We'll have our other agents do that. Sorry for causing too much trouble," he suddenly said before standing and walking towards the door.

Is he leaving?

A part of me wanted him to stay and stop me from going back to Italy but at the same time, I want to go back.

Staying by his side can put him in danger and I don't want to risk it. Staying here might be also an opportunity for my biological family to find me and I don't want that to happen.

I'm better off without them.

But at the same time, I want to have them both with me...

I bit my lower lip, looking at him not saying anything as he was about to exit the house.

Fuck it.

"Aries, wait!" I called, abruptly standing up and walking in his direction crashing my lips into his.

It felt the same just like last time.

I felt his hands held onto my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer, and deepening the kiss.

I took a few steps backward before stopping when I felt my back hit the wall making me lightly gasp allowing him to slide his tongue into my mouth.

After a few seconds, Aries pulled away, both of us catching our breaths. He rested his forehead on mine, both of his hands holding onto the wall, caging me in between them as both of my hands held onto his shoulder.

"Tell me, Natalia. Do you want us to continue?"

I remained my eyes shut as I nod and hummed in response but Aries pulled my chin up making me open my eyes as we both stare into each other.

"Look at me directly in the eyes and give me verbal answers. I want your verbal consent."

I never thought Aries had a side like this when it comes to this kind of thing. He was always serious when it comes to work-related things or when he was fighting with me.

"Yes," I answered.

"Yes, what?"

I could see the playful smirk on his lips. I can't accept losing from him but damn I want him right now so fucking bad.

"Yes, continue," I said with no hint of embarrassment, "Fucking take me already Ramirez!" I continued lightly getting frustrated.

Aries let out a low chuckle arousing me even more.

"Just promise me," he moved his head lower, our lips lightly touching each other, "Don't leave me on the morning after."

"I promise."

As soon as I said those words, Aries picked me up, carrying me bridal style before placing a small kiss on my neck. "How about let's continue this somewhere else."

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