chapter 42

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As the doors slammed open, the whole conference room went quiet with eyes fixated on the woman who took a step inside.

Her white stiletto heels clicked the marble floor with every step she took with her head high nearing the front of the table.

Surprise was an understatement to the Delavins.

When she said her job in the corporation was the 'head' they didn't expect that it would be the head of everything.

Everything started to slowly register in their minds. Her having to take important work-related calls in the middle of the day when she's at home. Doing paperwork until midnight and even owning a lot of expensive material objects that they didn't bother to question.

"Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. I'm Natalia Rossi, CEO of El Corporations."

Her voice broke the deafening silence of the atmosphere. The way she stood in front screamed authority.

"As you all know, I don't do partnerships at all. Investors or even stockholders don't have a place in my company because, at the end of the day, they're not to be trusted. They'll eventually ruin you from behind if things don't go as they wanted," she started.

No one bothered to say a word. They were silent at her short introduction.

They were also curious if she heard what Laurel had just said. her expression doesn't display anger towards Laurel so it made them wonder if she'll just shrug it off and move on.

"You all are here today because I plan to make small changes in my company. I want to see if having partners will do me better. Because that's the reason why you proposed a partnership, right? Because you want to gain benefits from me?"

Natalia let out a small chuckle before slowly walking to Mr. Laurel's behind. She had her hands on her back, looking down a little to get a better view of Mr. Laurel whose body is starting to shake from fear.

"Mr. Laurel. You've become quiet," Natalia placed her hand on his shoulder. "Mind telling me what you said earlier? You were such a talker before I came in."

Her voice remained calm yet venomous to the ears. As if saying one wrong word would instantly bring you to your death.

Everyone else was silently watching her next move. They know that the CEO of El Corporations is ruthless and today is an unlucky day for them that they get to see what they meant.

"I asked you a question. Please answer," her voice sounded soft. At this point, Mr. Laurel gulped. He knows he fucked up big time. She heard what he said and no matter how hard he tries to twist the truth, it was like he already lost.

"I... I was not pertaining to y- you," he stuttered, trying to look at Natalia's deadly eyes.

Natalia sarcastically smirked at his answer, "Then who are you pertaining to, then?"

She raised her eyebrows at him, slowly losing her patience as he struggles to answer. "Don't tell me you're pertaining to ms. Esteven?"

"I- I'm not!" His tone went high on his last word.

Natalia softly chuckled, slowly removing her hands from his shoulder. "Ah, you must be pertaining to me, then?"

He didn't answer.

She turned around and started to walk back to her place in front when Mr. Laurel spoke. "I was right. You just seduced your way to the top. I wonder what other things you did with those hands."

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