chapter 7

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I woke up when the sunlight hit my face. Slowly opening my eyes, I noticed I'm still wearing last night's clothes and I'm laying on a bed, in a room I'm quite familiar with.

This is Aries' room.

This is his room in his penthouse. I know because I've been here before. It hasn't changed like the last time I was here.

"The last time you slept here, you immediately left in the morning and the next thing I knew, you were already in Italy."

I averted my gaze to where the voice came from. He just came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his hips and another towel over his shoulders.

"For someone who's already twenty-three, you surely have good taste in furniture," I said trying to change the topic.

He didn't say anything but I saw that smirk on his face. It's too damn early for this. "You can take a shower here, I asked someone to buy you clothes. We're going out today."

I didn't know what Aries is planning but I guess I'll just go with the flow. We didn't talk about what happened last night again which was a good thing.

His actions towards me didn't change at all.

He fucking threw a knife toward me again when I teased him about the time he fell into a puddle of mud, but luckily I managed to dodge it.

There's something about him that I can't pinpoint.

The first time I laid my eyes on him, he captured my attention more easily than no other man has ever made. Whenever I return to Italy, I would always think of him, and whenever I come to L.A. I would always be excited to see him.

I guess he is such a good friend to make me feel that way, huh?

After he cooked breakfast, I looked at myself in the mirror. He has a good taste in clothes to be frankly honest.

I'm wearing a black frill puffed sleeved crop top, denim shorts with a belt, and sneakers. I tied my hair in a half-high ponytail.

He also bought some make-up. I'm not sure if it's just luck or what but the make-up he bought is the ones I specifically use.

Since I don't have my bag with me, it also means I also don't have my wallet. But thankfully I keep a spare credit card behind the case of my phone.

"Are you done?" he asked as I turned around.

He was wearing a white dress shirt with two buttons open, ripped jeans, and black sneakers. He also wore his casual watch and had his hair combed neatly.

Damn is it just me or does he look attractive today?

Or he always looks like this and it was just now that I noticed it?

"Done checking me out?" he asked with a playful smirk plastered on his face.

"Not yet." I shrugged looking at him from top to bottom. "Yeah, now I'm done," I said smiling at him.

"You're really honest," he said in a bored tone as we both walked towards the door and exited the building.

We entered his car which was a black Mercedes and it was the latest model. Damn.

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