chapter 21

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"I guess that's all of it?" I finally zipped the second suitcase as I finished packing my clothes. I plan to bring three but two would be enough and I could just come back home if I need more clothes since my house is only twenty minutes away from theirs.

I changed into a pair of black shorts, a white crop top, and an oversized cream cardigan on it. I wore my white sneakers and tied my hair in a messy bun. I wore all my piercings and applied some natural make-up before my perfume.

Checking the time, it's already twelve-thirty. I dragged my suitcases to the back of my car and placed all my important things like my laptop, iPad, make-up kit, accessory box, wallet, and some work papers in a separate tote bag.

Locking the house, I rode into my car taking a heavy breath before driving to my biological's home.

When I arrived, I pulled and stopped by the gate, rolling down my window. As soon as the guard saw me, he immediately signaled to open the gates.

I drive through the driveway and parked at the space they pointed to as I saw Nicholas and Avyanna by the entrance with huge grins on their faces.

"My God," I whispered to myself as I turned off my car.

As I got out and walked to my trunk, the two of them immediately ran to me. "Welcome home!" Avyanna greeted me as she engulfed me in a hug.

"Nice car," Nicholas complimented which I just nodded in response.

"They'll take care of your things. The whole family is waiting for you in the living room!" Avyanna held my wrist dragging me inside the house.

Damn this girl. She has too much energy today.

"She's here!" Nicholas yelled loudly making me cover one of my ears.

"Thank you for agreeing to stay with us, even just for a year sweetheart. We're happy to have you here." Elizabeth said before hugging me.

I didn't even hug back because I felt frozen in my place whenever they do some kind of gesture towards me.

"Welcome home," Lucian said with a smile. I just nodded, fakely smiling at him.

Moments later, their maids came in with my things. "Is that all your things?" Lucian asked.

"Yes. I've left some in my house," I answered.

"We'll show you your room and tour you around the house!" Niccolo said wrapping his arms around my shoulder.

Don't punch him. Don't punch him. Don't punch him.

"Sure. Thanks for having me," I said trying to be respectful to them as much as I can.

"Cole, Matteo, and Zeke will be back at dinner. They have work today," Elizabeth said.

"Auntie!" I turned my head when a little voice called me. It's the kid again. And this time, she's being carried by a woman.

Black hair, fair skin, brown eyes. Around five feet six. I think this is Cole's wife.

"Hi," she greeted.

"Oh, this is Samantha, Cole's wife, and Elijah, his son." Elizabeth introduced. "This is Natalia, Avyanna's twin sister. The one we told you about that we thought had died."

Samantha smiled, "Nice to finally meet you."

She seems sweet.

"Sam's a lawyer of our family business," Lucian said.

"What's the family business?" I innocently asked, pretending to not know a thing.

None of them reacted as if they have already seen this question coming. They're good, gotta give 'em that. "Hotels, malls, resorts, restaurants, and bars," he answered.

"Now that introduction's over, tour time!" Avyanna excitedly say as she, again, dragged me upstairs with Nicholas and Niccolo.

We reached the second floor where all the bedrooms are located "Okay, so the door at the very end is our parents' room. The one on the left is mine, Niccolo's, Zeke's then Elijah's. The one on the right is yours, Nicholas', Matteo's, and Cole and Sam's," she pointe don each door.

They led me and brought my suitcase to a room which is supposed to be mine.

It's huge, damn.

Cream, gold, and white-themed room. Simple yet very clean and classy. No doubt these people have style.

I prefer a darker shade but this would do.

"Do you like it?" Avyanna asked.


"Really?! I designed this! Well, I'm not sure what color you're into so you can change it anytime you like to feel comfortable. But I'm glad you like it."

After putting my suitcase in the closet which I will arrange later, the three of them dragged me outside of the room and started the whole house tour.

"Okay, this is the basement," Nicholas stated. "This is more like a game area. That room is the mini-movie theatre, gym, mini basketball court, then like a hangout place," he added pointing to different doors.

We entered each one and I must say, it's impressive.

Since the second floor is the rooms and some guest rooms, we skipped that part.

"Now the third floor is the office and the library. Dad's, mom's, Cole and Sam's, Zeke and Matteo's office are here while ours are more like study rooms since we don't need one. At the end is the library. So not much business here." Niccolo said as we walked through different doors I noticed from my peripheral vision that this floor has much more cameras rather than the others.

Then, the fourth floor. "This is mostly the bar and an open terrace. You can see the city view here and yeah you can hang out here."

Well damn, look at all those alcohol in the racks.

We continued the tour at the outside part of the house. The garage where a lot of different cars are parked, the pool, and garden.

"Well, that's all of it," Niccolo said exhausted as the four of us reached the kitchen.

It was already three in the afternoon when we finished the whole tour. The three of them were almost out of breath while I remained unfazed.

"How are you not tired?!" Nicholas exclaimed.

I just shrugged and continued to look around the kitchen. "Look at my two sets of twins altogether." We turned around when Elizabeth spoke.

"Here, I made smoothies and some potato chips," she placed down the food on the island counter.

"Try it, Nat! Mom's cooking is the best!" Nicholas said while munching on the chips and smoothie at the same time.

I took a bite of the chips, "It's good." I said, seeing a small smile on her lips.

Is this what it feels like when someone cooks for you?

I'm used to cooking for myself or eating food sometimes. I don't know it just makes me feel something... weird.

The rest of the day, I just spent with Avyanna, Nicholas, Niccolo, and Elizabeth. Lucian had to leave because of a business matter but he promised to be here for a complete dinner.

Whatever you want to do, I don't even care.

They told me some of their experiences and I just listened. I don't have anything to tell them in the first place.

And before I know it, it's already dinner time.

"They're here," Elizabeth said, standing up from the couch and walking her way to the door to greet Lucian and the offspring.

"Hello, Nat. We're happy that you're finally here with us," Cole greeted with a hug followed by Zeke and Matteo.

I just smiled at them. Again.

"Dad!" Elijah came down with Samantha as Cole carried his son and kissed Samantha on the cheeks.

"Dinner's ready."

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