chapter 23

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After placing all my clothes in the closet and cleaning myself up, I changed into a pair of black shorts and a white sweater, letting my hair down.

I don't know what to do, what to feel, what to think!

Damn these emotions. I'm better off having none of them! When everything is going well with my life, why do they have to show up?!

I closed my eyes trying to make myself fall asleep when my phone suddenly rang. I didn't even glance at the caller ID as I answered.

[Aries] "Nat? How are you?"

It was Aries.

"I'm fine," I whispered but it sounded like I was about to cry.

I fucking hate crying! But if I bottle up all these emotions, I'm afraid I might go crazy.

I'm afraid... It might happen again.

[Aries] "No, you're not. Tell me the problem. Did they do anything to you?! Just tell me and I'll pick you up there, right now."

His response made me softly chuckle.

This man is too good for me.

"They did nothing don't worry. It's just that... everything doesn't make sense. I forced myself to know the truth... and when Lucian said what happened, it wasn't what I expected... I- I was told they gave me away... they didn't want me... they didn't want me at all. I saw him there... I saw him standing there, watching me... but why is it that..."

I stopped for a moment trying to catch my breath, "Why is it that their actions contradict everything? Lucian told me I was kidnapped, I was killed in front of them while he says otherwise. Who... should I believe?"

[Aries] "That's exactly what I want to talk to you about. I don't want to make decisions for you but I think you have the right to know about this."

"What is it about?"

[Aries] "Everything Lucian told you is true. You were kidnapped from the hospital, I have retrieved a CCTV footage from nineteen years ago from the hospital you were taken. And... I checked his flight schedules, Natalia. The first time he's been to Italy was five years ago."

So... he was telling the truth?

[Aries] "You should rest. The information you've found out today is too overwhelming for you. I'll call you again tomorrow, okay?"

His voice is always so soothing to my ears.

"Okay. Good night." I hoarsely say before hanging up the call.

Placing my phone back on the nightstand, I covered my eyes with my right arm as I let my tears fall.

I need to remember.

As much as I try to forget, I need to remember what happened that day.

"Happiest eighth birthday dear Natalia!"

He greeted me that day as he entered the room holding a small box in his hands. My hands were tied up and my hearing was quite numb.

He said something. Remember, Natalia.

"I have something for you."

That face. I want to forget that face. That evil smirk, that evil grin.

"It's a new..."

Someone kicked me from the back. I didn't get to comprehend what he said.

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