chapter 48

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When I arrived at the warehouse, Dasan was already at the entrance, waiting for me. "Boss," he greeted.

"Did you do it?" I asked.

"Yes," he answered turning around as he walked to the stairs, going down to the rooms while I followed him from behind.

He slowly opened the door, revealing Adrianna being tied up in the chair. She seemed like she just woke up but couldn't say anything because she has her mouth tied up with a cloth.

"How does it feel like being powerless? Not being able to do anything?" I asked, pulling her hair. "You know, I plan on killing you the painless way, but after what you did, I think I'll be changing methods," I smirked.

She was glaring at me but I didn't mind it. Looking at her not being able to fend for herself is satisfying! What more if she screamed in pain?

"Boss, they're here," Zathrian went into the room, informing me. I nodded signaling him to let them in.

"Alejandro, Aries."

"What's so important that you asked us to come— wait did you cry?!" Aries asked looking at me. Alejandro was looking at the woman tied in the chair but couldn't see her face since Dasan and Claude were covering her face.

They already knew my connection with these two because Zathrian eventually slipped about them and my family while telling things about his girlfriend, Maeve. I was so close to killing him that day but Dasan and Yvaine stopped me from doing so.

All of them had no problems with it, they were just surprised at first that I'm acquainted with people like them and related to the Delavin family but they didn't mind as they promised to keep it a secret until their grave.

"Dasan, Claude, Zath, leave us," I ordered as they slightly bowed and left the room revealing the woman behind me.



They both said in unison as I took off the cloth from her mouth.

"Explain," Aries coldly said.

"She works for him," I glared at her. "She worked inside the Delavin family as a maid and a nanny for twenty-one years. She was an accomplice to the man who took me. She was the one who updates him from time to time about me. She was about to kill my nephew when she got caught. She showed a video of me getting tortured to my family," I said.

Alejandro looked at her blankly as Aries was looking at her in pure range.

"I want to know. She worked there for twenty-one years how come you didn't know?" I asked.

Alejandro sighed, "I have no idea. She said she works in a company. She leaves wearing a uniform. I sometimes bring her to her office."

"That explains why you couldn't find her when she was presumed dead. The Delavin family hides all the information of all of their staff for safety purposes. She's smart to use that as a cover-up," I turned around to her taking a step closer.

I analyzed her face closely. She had those resemblances of that picture except for some features, "I wonder why Lucian let you have plastic surgery and didn't suspect a bit?" I mumbled.

Adrianna was quiet the whole time, staring at the two. It looks like she's about to cry any moment now.

"Alejandro, Aries, you do know what would happen to her, right?" I said as I turned around to face them again.

"You're really going to kill me in front of my son and husband? As if they would let you!" Adrianna shouted from the back. I looked at her blankly.

"I don't care if you die," Aries hissed.

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