chapter 41

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Arriving back home, everyone went to their respective rooms, tired from today's activities. I was about to go straight to my room too but Lucian called for me and wanted to talk to me in his office.

I followed him there as Elizabeth went straight to their room already. I kept on wondering what is it about.

The only thing I hope is that Niccolo didn't tell him anything or else I'm about to throw hands at him.

"Sit down, sweetheart," Lucian said as I sat on the couch while he was on the armchair by the opposite side.

Lucian has a small box in his hand as he placed it on the small coffee table in front of me. "It's for you. I hope you like it," he said with a wide smile on his face.

I picked up the box, and slowly opening it I saw a small bracelet.

"It's a gift," he added.

My lips can't help but let out a small smile. It's the first time I've received a gift from someone. I'm used to buying things for myself.

"Thank you." I looked up to Lucian who looks like he was about to break down at any second.

"Please don't tell me you're about to cry, old man?" I teased, softly chuckling seeing Lucian blinking his eyes repeatedly like he was trying to stop the tears.

"Me? Cry? No way! And who are you calling old, young lady?" He exclaimed with his voice slightly breaking. "Something just caught my eye," he rolled his eyes at me.

I should be the one doing the eye roll here?!

"Yeah, sure whatever you say," I snickered.

"You have work tomorrow, right? You should rest. I hope you enjoyed today." Lucian said while looking at his wristwatch.

I nodded as the both of us stood up. "I did. And you should rest too." I walked to the door opening it slowly, "Goodnight, Lucian." I greeted him with a small bow before taking a step out of his office and closing the door.

In two days, some things will start to unveil.


Looks like every ally I have failed to do what I asked for.

"That's pretty stupid of you, cousin. How come you don't even know that the girl you're after is also an assassin? The deadliest one and even my enemy!" Philip laughed.

"It's just recently I found out. I had to pay millions to confirm and it even cost Alvarez's life."

"Up until now, I'm curious how you managed to convince him to work with you," Philip took a sip from his alcohol.

"He was the one that convinced me. Alvarez said there was one time she wasn't wary of her surroundings. She was around seventeen at that time and was in Los Angeles. One of his men witnessed her kill their supposed criminal suspect and in the process revealed her identity. He was just waiting for the right time to make a move and I just so happen to know her better than him." I answered.

"I don't get it. How did the two of you even meet? He's like the highest government official and you're—"

"Not everyone came from the cleanest background." I scoffed. "He and I once worked together."

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