chapter 4

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"Fuck they're going to attend the event," I muttered under my breath when I saw the names of my biologicals on the guest list of the charity event. "Yeah no. I'm not attending that shit. I don't want to see them."

I placed the paper on Aries' desk and sat down on his couch.

"Don't tell me, underground's infamous Viper, the assassin, bounty hunter, and Europe-America's biggest gun trafficker is afraid," Aries smirked. "They're influential rich people, of course, they'll attend such events."

I rolled my eyes at him and threw one of my knives in his direction. He managed to dodge it and the knife stuck to his wall.

"For your information, I'm NOT afraid of them. I just don't want to have any sort of contact with them. I fucking hate them." I spat. "They gave me away, idiot. They don't want me in their happy little family. Imagine what they would do to me when they find out I'm alive."

"How are you sure they gave you up? From what I know, the American Mafia treasures family very well."

"They have ten years to find and save me from that hell hole. Besides... it's much deeper than that." I whispered the last part.

Stop it, Natalia. You can't let your emotions get the best of you right now.

You don't need them.

End of discussion.

"We need to do this. Put those personal issues aside. If we don't catch this guy as soon as possible, many other people will die."

Then let them die for fuck's sake. Why do I even care about this?


I continued scanning the floorplan of the area memorizing the exits and stairways in case things go wrong when my phone suddenly rang.

"Ciao?" I answered.

"Ah Francesco... si... va bene... te li faccio consegnare tra una settimana va bene?... va bene certo... ho capito... chiamami se hai bisogno di sto bene... ci metteremo in contatto." I finished the phone call and averted my gaze to Aries who's looking at me.
(Ah Francesco... yes... alright... I'll have them delivered to you in a week is that alright?... okay sure... I got it... Call me if you need help... yes... I'm alright... we'll get in touch.)

"What?" I asked furrowing my brows.



I dialed my phone and contacted Felix. I hope he's still awake since it's already eleven in the evening back in Italy.

"Hello, Felix? Yes... Francesco ordered a new set of firearms and explosives... in a week... I already confirmed his order... alright... thank you I hope I didn't bother you this late." I placed down my phone and continued with what I'm doing.

"Francesco Lombardi?" Aries asked.

"Mhm. Don of the Italian Mafia." I answered back.

I can't really say what we talked about on the phone since it's more of their business but Aries is used to hearing me talk about the other business so it's not really a big deal.

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