chapter 29

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When I returned to my room, I locked the door and took my phone out to dial someone to settle some problems. I don't usually talk to all of my clients but when it reaches this kind of problem, I need to meddle in it.

I can't believe I'm having a problem with the French don. Specifically, Marcel Delavin.

[Marcel] "Name and business?"

He authoritatively asked.

I activated my voice changer, lowering my voice a little but not too much to not make me sound manly.

"I was informed that you have not received your order when you completely signed the papers. Why is that?"

[Marcel] "Viper."

"The one and only," I chuckled in delight at how fast he picked it up.

[Marcel] "I'm not in the mood for games. Return the money we paid you and we'll put everything behind us and just find another supplier. You don't want to go against me."

His statement made me scoff sarcastically.

"Why would I do that? I just did my end of the bargain. Once you receive the weapons, we have no involvement anymore as to what will happen, and according to the video, your men received the arms."

[Marcel] "My men said they received nothing."

"Tell me, who signs the papers?" Things are starting to not make sense. Every time a client receives the shipment or whatever, they sign the papers on the spot. So why is it that they haven't received it when I saw their signature there?

[Marcel] "My third in command. He's been the one receiving the shipments for two years now."

"Then ask your third in command. Who knows, he might be betraying you," I rolled my eyes sitting on the edge of the bed.

[Marcel] "How dare you accuse my men like that! He's been loyal to me for fifteen years!"

"Loyalty isn't always measured by years, Delavin. I have footage that he signed the papers, I already sent it to you, watch it."

[Marcel] "Why would you even—"

"I always record transactions in case things go wrong. Now, I suggest you do your job as Don and figure your whole shit out because as of now, I no longer accept you as my client. Dare to do something against me, and I'll blow up one of your warehouses... or all, I hung up immediately.

Does he think he scares me? His threat is meaningless cause he is at a disadvantage between the two of us.

I know every single thing about him while he doesn't know anything about me. I can't believe I'm having trouble with one of Lucian's brothers. My so-called blood uncle to be exact.

Speaking off, it's time to ask for updates from Dasan. Once they finish the task I gave them, I'll personally hunt two people down.

"Make sure the files I need will be on my desk at nine am sharp," I was applying my make-up as I held my phone in between my shoulders and ears as it was now seven thirty in the morning.

I wore a simple white crop top, matching colored light brown slacks, and a blazer with my hair in a neat low bun with strands in the front. I took a pair of white sandals and put on my rings and earrings as I finally sprayed myself with perfume.

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