chapter 37

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"Huh? No need. You have work, right?" I'm quite surprised he would even accompany me to a place like that. Isn't he supposed to be busy with his business or his mafia?

Lucian just shook his head, "Don't worry about that, sweetie. Family first, work second."

"Alright." I just shrugged. I think he would also be able to help me in that place. I don't want to look stupid there.

Entering the so-called 'Arcade Area' was indeed something new for me. The place was so loud... and lively. Not like those clubs or bars, it's much more... bright and colorful with kids or even adults yelling and laughing.

We walked around and there's this small machine that they press a button then a small ball drops from the top and lands on a number corresponding to points or something.

'Swipe card here'

There was a small thing that looks like a card reader on the front of the machine so I took my wallet and swiped one of my cards there but it didn't work.

"Lucian, how does this shit work?" I asked making Lucian step closer. "It said it costs five. Damn five dollars, expensive shit."

Lucian looked at the instructions, "It said, this is a game card reader. I think your card is not working, sweetie. Let me try," he said getting one of his black cards and swiping it.

But it also didn't work.

"The machine is broken."

"It's broken."

We both said at the same time. I nodded and walked to a different machine but still the same game.

"How about this one?" I said swiping my card but it didn't work also!

Lucian swiped two or three different cards of his but it also didn't work. We both took a step back when a kid suddenly went to the machine, swiping a card.

We were both shocked to see it working!

"I didn't go broke did I?" Lucian whispered to himself.

"That's impossible," I rolled my eyes.

When the kid left the machine, a boy that seems to be a staff here passed by. "Hey, sir. Do you know why it doesn't work on us?" I said showing him as I swipe one of my cards.

I noticed how he tried to suppress himself from laughing. What's so funny?

"Ma'am. You need to buy a card there at the counter. That's what you'll use to play," he said. "Let me assist you."

We both followed him to the counter, "How much would you like, ma'am? Five dollars is one hundred points, ten is two-fifty, and twenty is six-hundred."

"Just the five," I said handing him five dollars as he is the one who talked to the cashier and handed me a small blue and purple card.

Oh, so this is the one that I need to swipe.

Lucian and I walked back to the machine and swiped the card. And this time, it actually worked!

"You said you've been here accompanying the three yet you don't know how this shit works?" I said as I pressed the red button watching the ball go down.

"Okay, first of all, language. And second, I said I accompany them. I don't actually watch them on how this all works," he defended.

I rolled my eyes and averted back my focus on the game. The ball landed on the number two hole making two tickets go out.

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