chapter 9

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"A young girl just killed a man in front of two government officials," dad chuckled as me, dad, and the girl earlier was seated at a table inside one of our penthouse.

She's still sixteen yet she's so tall for her age.

When I was sixteen, I remember I was still crashing my dad's car while she was already killing people.

We were somehow the same as we both finished college at the age of sixteen or seventeen taking advanced and accelerated classes.

"So what's your name?" Dad asked but she just had her arms crossed looking at dad straight in the eye without any care at all.

"Can I leave now?" She said without any emotion in her tone.

I hate criminals. I don't like her.

"You just killed someone in front of us. We can't just let you go," Dad said.

"I killed someone who attempted to kill you because you thought it was a good idea to walk around with no guards as an ex-chief of police who now owns a company and..." she stopped and looked at me furrowing her brows.

"... a trainee."

Did she just fucking call me a trainee?!

Dad started to personally train me when I was eight! I had earned myself a black belt when I was twelve, mastered martial arts, mastered handling guns and weapons and this girl just called me a trainee?!

I refuse to say anything and just rolled my eyes at her. I need to be the bigger person here.

"Can I leave now? Just pretend I didn't do anything so all of us would be happy," she casually said like it's an everyday thing.

"Tell me, are you an assassin perhaps? The youngest one I know before had started at thirteen but he died at nineteen because he got bitten by a snake. We tried to catch him because he killed a lot of innocent people." Dad asked.

She was silent for a second before bursting out laughing.

"What the fuck?! He died of getting bit by a fucking snake?!" She slammed her hand on the table still laughing as she took the glass of water, trying to calm herself.

"Yeah. He left a note saying he was killed by Viper."

She was quiet for a second before laughing again. "Dannazione, stupido idiota." she whispered to herself with a devilish smirk.
(Damn, stupid idiot.)

"You killed him, didn't you?" I said out of the blue catching their stares.

She just looked at me with a smirk as if she was unfazed.

"Yes. Cause I can do anything your stupid government can't," she shrugged as she wasn't bothered by the insult she just said to the president.

"How about we make a deal." Dad started.

The girl looked at him interested in what he had to say. She didn't say anything but she just raised her brows gesturing for him to continue.

"If you do something, remember that I can kill all of you here even your best guards and I could get away with it," she threatened which made dad and I look into each other and nod.

That's where everything started.

Dad offered her a deal where he would not meddle in anything she does in exchange for her protection and services.

At first, I doubted it because she was not from here but she said something about her legal and illegal businesses.

She even knows the president's dirt and used it to blackmail him if he does something damaging to her.

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