chapter 51

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"Are you sure about this?" Aries asked as I put on some makeup.

"Definitely," I smirked, looking at him through the mirror. He's currently sitting on top of my bed while I was on my vanity mirror.

After three days, it's time to settle things down.

I wore a red laced top under my deep red blazer and pants matched with a pair of black stiletto heels and a low messy bun.

It's a meeting, not a damn bar so I need to look professional and of course, hot as fuck at the same time.

"You look hot," Aries stood up from the bed walking toward me. His arms snaked around my waist before planting a kiss on my neck.

"I just finished my make-up so, no. Don't you even dare Ramirez," I rolled my eyes before turning around to face him. "My meeting with them is in an hour, so I need to go now," I smirked.

"Good luck," he placed a kiss on my forehead.

"You should definitely meet my brothers," I sweetly smiled, mocking him.

"So Ezekiel would attempt to kill me? Pass. But if it would be you or for you, then why not?" He retaliated.

"That would be a lovely sight to see," I chuckled. "Anyways, let's go."


Inside the meeting room located in one of Viper's warehouses sat all the mafia leaders along with their most trusted commands.

"So it appears like we all have one common enemy?" Fynneo Daenzer, leader of the German mafia sighed, crossing his arms as he eyes the people around him.

"Apparently so. He's been pestering my men for five years," Pietro Fedorov, the leader of the Russian mafia answered. Beside him was his second in command, Yves Vinox who nodded in agreement.

Everyone took out all the pieces of evidence they have prepared. They are very much aware that Viper is the kind of person who wants everything read even the smallest details so they made sure not to get on her bad side.

"What amazes me about Philip Reid is how he tried to outplay Viper. Was he even aware of who he was dealing with?" Julio Hernandez, the leader of the Spanish mafia shook his head.

Francesco scoffed with a small smirk, "She never going to let him go."

"You know, one thing I noticed is that all of us here are her clients," Lucian stated then glanced to his brother who is seated in the middle of his sons, Kaizer, and Hugo along with his third in command, Oscar Smith, "Well, except you, brother."

Marcel sighed deeply, "I think she's right about someo—"

"Of course she is." Everyone stopped talking as their attention snapped to the double doors when they suddenly opened. "Never underestimate her."

"I'm Dasan Nyxus, boss' right hand," Dasan introduced.

"You're the one we talk to through the phone? Although your voice was much deeper in person?" Lia Hernandez, the third in command of the Spanish mafia said.

"I think you're pertaining to the boss' secretary, that was before I took over the job. He was the one who takes your calls but she changed some things and made sure that the legal and illegal side stays separated," Dasan explained.

Everyone just seemed to nod as they felt very anxious and agitated to finally meet the most dangerous and feared person in the underground.

They all went quiet when they heard faint sounds of heels clicking through the floor.

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