chapter 38

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Avyanna, huh?

["I've tried six different assassins and they turned down the offer even if I offered them more than a hundred million dollars just because of her last name."] The person, sounding like a male voice explained. ["I know you're the best of the best and I never expected you to answer this call."]

I snickered at his words. Of course, they would refuse. Lucian and Cole would be able to track down the assassin to the one who gave the job, didn't he know that? They'll eventually kill those involved without mercy.

"Reason? You know it's not good to mess with the Delavins. Especially since your target is to kill their princess." I sat on the small couch, resting my back on the headrest.

["Because I want to!"] He yelled.

"Remember who you're talking to if you don't want to be the next target! Meet me tonight at eleven at the address I'm going to send you. Bring half of the money, cash."

["W- what?!"] Why did he stutter?

"Why do you sound surprised? My services, my rules. See ya!" I smirked hanging up the call.

I can't wait to kill her.

Dinner came and like usual, everyone was at the dining table eating together and having their own conversations until it finished.

Lucian nor I didn't mention that we bumped into each other at the mall which was a good thing because I really don't want to talk about it.

When it was all over, everyone was in the living room watching television or talking to each other. It seems to be part of their routine that after dinner, everyone would stay in the living room to catch up.

I took my phone to message Zathrian.

To Zathrian:
Spread rumors that Viper's next target is Avyanna Delavin.

From Zathrian:

To Zathrian:
Maybe or maybe not.
Just do it.

From Zathrian:
Aye, aye, miss boss!

I wonder how long until the rumor will reach them? I wanna see how far and wide their intel reaches and how they will react when they find out that one of them is a target.

Free entertainment for me!

I made myself busy with my phone when the little spawn approached me and sat beside me, looking at my phone screen.

Nosy kid. I mentally rolled my eyes and continued reading since I know he cannot read nor understand emails.

The little spawn crawled closer to me and sat on my lap. I don't know what to do, fuck! Should I hold him or throw him off?

But I can't do the second one, cause Cole might kill me on the spot so might as do the first one.

The little spawn almost fell from my lap but luckily I managed to grab his arm before he fell to the floor.

"Cole take your little spawn— I mean Elijah or else I'll end up breaking him and I don't think it's something you can repair easily."

Cole let out a laugh as he stood up, "Don't worry sœur, you won't break him," he said not taking the kid away from me.

"I'm heading to bed. I don't wish to be disturbed, I'll be leaving early tomorrow," I said standing up. I'm not really going to sleep, I need to study how I'm going to leave and return to this house without getting caught.

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