chapter 59

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I closed the door behind me casually sitting on the couch, placing one leg over the other as I crossed my arms and rested my back comfortably.

"I'm still pissed at how you insulted Aries without even knowing him. I don't usually give second chances, but I'll make an exception just this once. Now tell me the reason why you acted that way. And don't even start me with the "because he's a cop and we're a criminal" bullshit." I coldly said, glaring at Zeke.

Dad sighed and stood up, "Zeke, tell her."

I saw how Zeke's expression changed from something calm to somewhat uneasy.

"It's been four years, Zeke. I'm pretty sure you've moved on," Cole said, patting his shoulder.

"Fine," Zeke sighed in defeat.

I listened intently knowing it wasn't something petty. I had a hunch it was something deeper. For the past six months of living under the same roof with them, I get to observe how they act in certain situations.

Among all of them, Zeke has the worst temper especially when triggered. He won't get mad unless it's something deep or it's something that would put you in danger.

The number of times I witness him scold Nicholas and Avyanna for sneaking out at night was enough for me to understand he's the most overprotective among all of my siblings.

"Eight years ago, when I was still in college, I met someone, her name was Mia Harris," he started.

Oh boy. Looks like that didn't end well.

"Long story short, after knowing each other for a year, we started dating and that lasted for three years." Dad sat on a small couch beside where I was sitting and looked at Zeke as he continued. "Everyone in the family welcomed her with open arms, I even got to meet her family. She was so nice and shy. When she found out about the mafia three months into our relationship, she cried and admitted she was scared but said she would stay for me because she loved me too much to leave me."

My brows furrowed as I feel like I know where this is going.

"Everything was great. I showered her with everything she wanted. But one night, four years ago, she barged into the mansion with cops behind her. That's when she revealed that she was an agent in training. She already knew me before she went to university. All the information that we looked up was fake. She had an arrest warrant because inside those three years she managed to gather pieces of evidence through the balls, events, and dinners I brought her."

What a fucking bitch.

"She and Avy were very close. When Avy took a step closer to her, she shot her in the shoulder without hesitation."

I blinked my eyes repeatedly. Did I hear that right? Avyanna was shot?

"Avy was only eleven at that time. Nicholas was so angry that he snatched the gun from Matteo's waistband and tried to shoot Mia but she shot him in the shoulder, saying it was her self-defense. I was so lost in everything that was happening that I just stood there not doing anything," Zeke ran his hand through his head as I could feel his frustration.

"Cole was about to take his gun but Mia shot him in the side on his stomach, so dad took the initiative and shot her directly in the head along with the cops behind her. The whole house was a mess. Matteo, Niccolo, and Mom were crying and panicking because three of our siblings were covered with blood, dad was shouting, ordering his men what to do."

Well, thank god that bitch was dead or I'll fucking hunt her down.

"Cole was in a coma for two weeks. Avy had a cast on her arm for three months while Nicholas for four months."

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