chapter 56

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"Dasan, you'll be attending the Black Ball along with your whole team. I want you to capture Philip Reid and bring him to me, understood?" I stated as Dasan stood in front of him.

"Yes, boss," he answered, slightly bowing his head.

"And if anyone asks for my whereabouts, you are not allowed to say, did I make myself clear?"

"Yes, boss."

After giving my final orders, I went back to my house and head straight to the gym to drain the rest of my energy out or else I would end up killing a lot of people if I don't control myself.

Punch after punch after punch. I don't know how many punched I threw or even how long I stood there but up until now, even if my sweat was dripping all over my body, I just can't seem to get tired.

The anger inside me seems to kick in more every time I let out a punch. It's not making me tired. It's making me bloodthirsty.

Seeing them stand there, doing nothing.

Just the thought of dad, just standing there makes me remember that time I saw him... no. That was not real Natalia.

You were drugged.

But even so... it's like that drug became real... but it was in another circumstance.

I shook my head trying to remove the thoughts.

Six months. I spent six months with them, slowly letting myself warm up in their comfort.

I want to get mad, I want to hurt them so bad.

But why is it that... I can't?

My mind is telling me to leave them while my gut is telling me to understand them. Like there's more to it that I don't know.

Should I really trust my instincts?

What if... what if this instinct will just be the reason for them to hurt me more?

Fuck this!

I exited the gym and went straight to my closet changing my clothes into a black top, leather shorts, and a pair of black boots strapped with a pair of daggers on my waist.

Taking my laptop, I looked at Dasan's message seeing how a gang attempted to attack one of our warehouses.

"They just really chose the best time, do they?" I smirked before closing my laptop and exiting my house with my motorbike.

As I arrived at the first location, I took the daggers from my pockets and played them with my hands.

I scanned the place, puckering my lips while looking at the dusty walls filled with spider webs. Gross. They used this place as a base yet they can't even keep some areas clean.

I whistled while taking my steps further inside seeing guns scattered around the place making me scoff.

How they should never ever do that kind of thing to those beauties.

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