chapter 53

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"Shit!" I stepped on the brakes immediately when a kid ran in front of the car. Thankfully I managed to stop even before I could hit him.

Quickly removing my seatbelt and stepping out of the car, I rushed towards the small boy who was crying.

I kneeled down to his level wiping the tears away from his face. "Hush, don't cry now, where are your parents?" I asked but he cannot seem to form any words because of his continuous sobs.

"We just went to stop for a little and the brat escaped. Give us the kid!"

A man from behind suddenly appeared, pointing a gun at me. One of my brows raised upon the realization that this boy is not lost, he was abducted.

"No! Bad man!" He yelled, but his breath was very shaky.

"You heard the boy, you're a bad man," I stood up, pulling the little boy to stand on my behind. The streets don't have much light as only a few posts serve as street lights and it's very much dim.

"Listen here boy, I would spare you if you just give me the fucking kid!" He yelled as four more men arrived to back him up with guns.

I forced the little boy to turn around, "Don't turn around, okay? I'll just make them quiet real quick," I say before pulling the gun out from my waistband and shooting two of them in the chest.

"Fuck I don't have my silencer."

Three of them charged so I ran closer in their direction so they won't go near the kid. As one tried to punch me, I managed to dodge and snatch the knife from his back pocket before stabbing him in the side of his stomach.

Pushing him away, I held my fists tightly landing three, four, five punches to one while managing to kick the other that was attacking from behind.

I glanced back to the kid to see if he was still standing there, and thankfully he was.

But that was a bad move as it gave one of them an opportunity to kick me straight in the stomach making me take a few steps backward. One was about to take the kid away so I had no choice but to kill them both immediately.

When they lay dead on the floor, I ran to the kid and carried him inside my car. He was crying so loudly from witnessing everything that happened.

"Can you tell me your name, little one? So I can take you home to your parents," I gently say trying to calm him down but he won't seem to stop crying.

I pulled up and parked at the nearest convenience store so I could at least talk to him properly. I already called dad and told him the whole situation, the clean-up crew and police would handle the rest as I told them I'd handle the kid. "Please tell me your name. I'll return you back to your mom and dad. I'm somehow a police officer," I showed him my badge.

Although he's just only I think around three or four I think, he seemed to be aware of his surroundings.

"Would you like to tell me what happened?" I asked again.

"Bad man took me away from mom... they punch her and she fell asleep..." He said in between sobs. "Bring me to van... but Elijah escaped because dad told me..."


"Your name is Elijah?" I asked and he slightly nodded.

"Do you know your full name?"

"Elijah... Delavin."

So this is Nat's nephew. Well, he does show a little resemblance to his father. I guess I just couldn't see it from the dark and his messy hair covering his face earlier.

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