Chapter One: Fast Times

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Description: You're Dustin's sister, and he's hosting the Hellfire Club at your house over the weekend for an extra special campaign. You've never played before, but it's always intrigued you so you just sit and watch. Not to mention you'd be able to be around the club's handsome leader Eddie. But an accident on your way to classes brings Eddie into your life sooner than you thought...

Chapter warnings: Mentions of divorced parents/abandonment, crying, angst.

Chapter One: Fast Times

"Can I please host Hellfire here this weekend, Mom? The theater room is being repainted, and the Wheeler's have temporarily banned us because Mike is grounded. This campaign is really important, weeks of work has gone into this." You're sitting on the couch, listening to your brother Dustin pleading with your mother in the kitchen.

"I don't know, Dusty. You know we don't have a lot of extra money to spend on food for all your friends. I love that you have a good bond with them since Will moved away, but isn't there somewhere else you can go?" Your mother was always worried about money since Dad skipped out on you. You'd offered to get a job once you were out of high school, but she insisted you focus on college and just 'enjoy being young before it's too late'.

"See, I knew you'd be concerned about that, but everyone else is bringing snacks and stuff. You won't need to worry, Mom. We won't ask you for anything I promise! We just need the space, nobody else's house is big enough for everybody." You can't help but smile to yourself, Dustin always thought of everything. He's always been a sweet, considerate kid. Sure, he was passionate about his interests, but he never wanted to add to your mother's burden. He may be young, but he was smart enough to understand that she wasn't made of money. Most kids would throw a fit or cry, but not Dustin. He always thought logically, working around every problem like a little mastermind.

"Oh, alright! As long you you clean up after yourselves and try to keep the noise down when it gets late, you can host your club, sweetie." Mom had a hard time saying no when Dustin eliminated any concerns she posed, which admittedly wasn't hard to do.

"Thanks, Mom! You're the best!" He cheers as he squeezes Mom tightly in a hug, she always returns it with just as much strength. Your family was notorious for lung-crushing hugs. When they finally loosen their grip, Dustin jumps into the air in excitement. "I'm gonna go call everyone and tell them we're all set to go!" He rushes past you to the phone, rapidly dialing each member of the club, manically telling them your home is officially a hosting place for D&D starting tomorrow after school. Once everyone has been let in the loop, Dustin collapses back into his chair, catching his breath.

"You must be real excited for this campaign, huh?" You tease him.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I am! It's probably the most important one we've ever had. And the longest too, Eddie's been planning it for months." He beams at you, eyes wide and his smile impossibly large. But the thing that really stirs your interest is the mention of the club's leader, Eddie.

"Eddie's still leading you guys? I figured he would've passed the title down after he finished school." You remember him from high school, he just barely graduated in '86 with your class after being held back twice. Everyone expected him to drop out, but you admired the fact that he proved them wrong. You'd always thought he was cute, but you ran in more academic circles. You weren't popular by any means, you were still a full-on nerd. But Eddie never treated you poorly, in fact it was the opposite. He may act tough sometimes, but he's a big softy when he lets his guard down. You were excited for him to be here, in your house, for three whole days. It gave you plenty of time to look at him, maybe even make a move if he wasn't too busy with the game.

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