Chapter Nine: Hold On Loosely

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Description: after your first fight, you and Eddie decide to 'make up'. When you end up hurt as you let him be too rough, Eddie gets further insight into your mind...

Warnings: Swearing, smut, fingering, degradation/praise, squirting, unprotected sex, rough sex, choking, crying, angst, anxiety, smoking

Chapter Nine: Hold On Loosely

You spent the remainder of your time out with Eddie in his van, deciding to mind your own business as he finishes his sales for the day. He told you it was okay to come along as long as you behaved yourself, but you didn't feel worthy of being in his company. You'd sit quietly, waiting for him to return. You smoked a lot of cigarettes today, wanting to at least fill the uncomfortable silence with the sound of sizzling embers and exhales of smoke clouds. After four more deals, Eddie was finished with his business. Next stop, picking up your repaired bicycle.

You space out again on the way there, wondering how long it'll take for this stupid fight to blow over. You wish it hadn't happened at all, the way you yelled in each other's faces until you turned red made you feel sick. It reminded you of the way Dad got into arguments with Mom all the time before he left. To see two people who claim to be in love yell and scream and say the most awful things to each other, it was too much. You didn't want to be like that, especially not with Eddie. Conflict frightens you, regardless if it can be resolved or not.

"I'll be right back." Eddie says nonchalantly. You realize you've arrived at the final stop of the day. The wonder of getting stuck inside your own thoughts is not lost on you. You watch Eddie retrieve your bike, sharing pleasantries with the man who you assumed was his friend he told you about. He wheels the bike over to the back, placing it inside same as he did that fateful Friday. He shuts the doors, perhaps a little too hard. The sound startles you, and you hear him curse under his breath. He climbs back into his seat, looking at you sympathetically. "Sorry, darling. I was a little rough there. I'm trying to be in a better mood, truly. Not quite sure when that'll be, though."

"It's fine, I don't expect you to forgive me anytime soon." You say, avoiding his eyes.

"It's not fine though, stewing about the whole thing won't help either of us." He sighs, reaching to touch your cheek with his hand.

"I hate this." You huff, crossing your arms. "I just want to be over it already, I've never felt so terrible in my life. And that includes how Sunday went."

"I know, sweetheart. I'm not doing so hot over here either, but we can go back home and cuddle if you want. Or we could do something else...if you're up for it." He can't hide his Cheshire grin at the suggestion.

Your head snaps to him, brows furrowed. "Are you serious?" You can't exactly say you hate the idea, but you don't believe he seriously wants to fuck you right now. "You're messing with me, right?"

"I am deadly serious, angel. What do you say, wanna make up with me?" His lips twitch in amusement, awaiting your answer.

"If it'll make us stop being mad at each other, by all means let's give it a shot." You scoff, thinking about how unbelievable he is.

"I know the perfect spot, baby. Shouldn't take long to get there." He chuckles, putting the van into gear again. He peels out of the lot like a madman, eager to have his way with you at whatever place he's taking you to now. You slowly recognize the route as he drives, piecing together where you're going. Skull. Fucking. Rock. Of course, the 'hardest' place he can think of to rail you into oblivion. He drives up to the edge of the woods, parking crookedly. He rushes out of the van, jogging to your side to pull you from your seat.

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