Chapter Forty-Six: Eat Me Alive

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A/N: here's a very smutty chapter for you all. I promise to move things along more next chapter, I need this damn fictional relationship to reach the six month mark already! In the meantime, enjoy!

Description: You and Eddie have some well-earned fun after your skinny dip in Lover's Lake. Eddie's frustration comes out to play, and it certainly spices things up...

Warnings: swearing, smut, spanking, fingering, masturbation, oral sex, orgasm denial, crying, dom/sub dynamic, praise/degradation, dirty talk, role-swapping, *very* rough sex, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, squirting, pain after sex

Chapter Forty-Six: Eat Me Alive

"Lay down." Eddie orders once you crawl into his van, still soaking wet from your skinny dip in the lake. He tosses your gathered clothes in carelessly, and pulls the back doors shut behind himself. Before you can respond, he roughly pushes you down and rolls you onto your back. He puts himself above you, giving your dripping body a good once-over. "You've been a very bad girl, princess." He says, low and husky. He holds himself up on one hand resting beside your neck, while the other roams over your form. He caresses your arm first, and you do your best to lie still as he speaks. "Teasing me from the second you woke me up..." His hand travels to your chest, fingers dragging across your shivering flesh along the way. He takes hold of your breast, massaging it.

"Eddie." You moan quietly, drawing his eyes to yours.

"...touching me in the ice cream shop where anyone could see..." He briefly pinches your nipple, drawing another vulgar sound from your lips. He continues on, looking down towards your lower half now. His hand follows the trail his eyes have made, and he pushes your legs apart slightly to feel your slick folds. "...and then making me wait for what felt like an eternity to be able to touch you." He flicks your clit, making you gasp. "So, now I'm going to have to punish you." He states matter-of-factly, as if you have no real choice in this. But this is exactly what you've been waiting for, what you've been craving.

Lately, you've been the one in the driver's seat, but you want Eddie to take the wheel again. He's so goddamn good at it. "Do anything you want to me, Eddie. I'll take my punishment like a good little slut." You smolder, your eyes hooded with desire. Your heart is racing in anticipation, you can't wait for everything he has in store for you.

"That's what I like to hear, babydoll." Eddie gives you a wolfish smile, bringing his hand even further down to shove two fingers inside your pussy.

"Fuck!" You cry out, surprised at the force of him. He rapidly curls his digits inside you, tapping your g-spot again and again. He's already got you halfway there, and he's barely done anything at all. Your back arches off the floor of the van, but he pushes you back down. His eyes bore into yours as he winds you up, and he's breathing very heavily while he watches your face contort and body squirm as pleasure builds within you. "Feels so good, baby." You whimper, clawing at the blankets beneath you. It's all you can do to hold onto sanity.

"Does it?" He asks, almost mockingly. You nod at him, moaning even louder when he starts drilling his fingers into you. He's full-on fucking you with his hand, trying to make you cum as fast as he can.

"So close, baby...don't stop." You pant, barely able to get the words out.

"And why shouldn't I?" Eddie asks, making your eyes snap to his in fear. He smirks at your blown-out pupils, biting his lip while deciding whether or not to deny you of your high. "You've had no problem driving me insane all's only fair I get a turn."

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