Chapter Forty-Eight: Fever

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Description: You and Eddie spend the night celebrating the next step in your relationship alone, and a troubling nightmare about your upcoming court dates shakes your confidence. Eddie does his best to comfort you, but it's unclear whether you'll continue to doubt yourself...

Warnings: swearing, smut, smoking, fingering, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, praise/degradation, anal fingering, squirting, mentions of various sexual activities, nightmares, mentions of harassment/assault, light angst

Chapter Forty-Eight: Fever

"You sure you wanna do this out here, angel?" Eddie asks as you continue to pump his dick in your hand.

"Ask me one more time, Eds, and I'll change my fucking mind." You answer firmly, shimmying your body over his to remove your panties. You toss them away, hiking your skirt around your upper thighs as you straddle him.

"Sorry..." He swallows hard, watching you get yourself ready for him. "I just-" He starts to explain himself, but there's really no need. You shake your head, smiling down at him as you press a finger to his lips.

"Baby, relax. I want this." You make yourself perfectly clear, not an ounce of doubt in your eyes.

"Then so do I, sweetheart." He says, a small grin forming on his face. He has absolutely no problem fucking you senseless on your front lawn in the dead of night. Hell, he's thought about it a lot as it's one of the few places where you haven't had sex yet. He's been waiting for the day when you'd finally cross it off the list.

"Touch me, baby. Please." You beg, greedily taking hold of his hand to bring it back to where you want him most. He gently frees himself from your grasp, running his palm up your thigh until he reaches your soaked pussy. He carefully brushes his fingers through your folds. You moan at his touch, your eyes falling closed.

"No need to rush, princess. You know I'll give you anything you want." He says sweetly, sitting up to put himself level with you. He continues to stroke your cunt, and you grab hold of his stiffened length again. You open your eyes to meet his, placing your free hand on his shoulder. "You're so wet, Y/N. Is this all for me?" He asks, his loving tone laced with lust. He's always been able to toe the line between affection and seduction, making you feel extremely loved while also turning you on beyond belief.

"Always, Eds." You reply breathlessly. He keeps his eyes on you as he slips a finger inside of you, watching your mouth fall open slightly to let out a beautiful moan. You look down between your bodies, watching Eddie's hand move back and forth between your thighs. His finger glides in and out of your soaked hole, your arousal making it glisten in the moonlight. "More, baby." You plead, waiting in anticipation as he brings another finger to your entrance. He presses it inside, making you gasp. You continue to gaze downwards, a knot building in your belly with every second you spend watching him slowly fuck you with his fingers.

"Such a pretty picture, babydoll..." Eddie breathes. He's completely stuck in place, witnessing you sitting on top of him while making the sweetest sounds, turning yourself on even more by watching him touch you. Your hand absently runs up and down his shaft, his tip becoming red and swollen with need. A bead of precum has gathered in the slit, slowly dripping down the side as you lightly squeeze him while you work. "Look at me, angel." He says, still speaking in his comfortable, yet sexy voice. You do as he asks, finding his gorgeous face admiring the hell out of you. You can't help blushing under his gaze. "My sexy girl. God, I love you so much." Eddie coos, cupping your cheek with his free hand while leaning in closer to you.

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