Chapter Sixty-One: Celebration

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Description: Spring has sprung for the Class of 1990, and the time has come for you to graduate from college! All your family and friends are in attendance for the ceremony, as well as a big dinner in preparation for your wedding. So many things are changing for you, and surprisingly, you're prepared for every single second of it...

Warnings: swearing, light anxiety, smoking, crying, mentions of dead parents, anger, fluff

Chapter Sixty-One: Celebration

You stand in front of your bedroom mirror, inspecting yourself as you smooth down the front of your black graduation gown. Your hair is straightened, the ends sitting right at your shoulders. You've applied subtle makeup to your face, rosy pink lipstick on your pout. You take a deep breath, reaching for your cap that's resting on the dresser. You look it over for a moment, namely the tassel with a 'Class of 1990' charm laced onto it. You smile to yourself, before bringing the cap to your head. You slip it on, straightening it out while trying your best to not mess up your hair. Today is the day. After four long years of working your ass off, you're finally graduating from college.

"You ready, sweetheart? We're gonna be late." Eddie calls to you from the living room, currently dangling feathers on a string in front of Arwen while she tries to jump up and catch them.

"Yeah. Coming." You call back, giving yourself a final once-over. Your reflection smiles back at you, all dressed up and ready to go. You feel ready, too. To transition from a dutiful, diligent student, into an educated adult. You take another deep breath, calming your nerves before leaving the room. You walk down the hall to meet Eddie, finding him playing with the cat. He hears your heels clicking on the floor, looking up at you. His mouth cracks into a wide smile, immediately abandoning the cat to get to you.

"Well, hot damn! Look at you, bookworm!" He exclaims, making you giggle as he takes your hands in his. "I'm so proud of you, Y/N. You've worked really hard for this." Eddie continues, absolutely beaming with joy at your achievement. "You ready?" He asks you again, noticing your hands shaking in his grasp.

"Yeah. I am." You answer assuredly, nodding your head. Your tassel sways at the movement.

"Good." He says, giving you a rewarding peck. "We'd better get going." He pulls away, picking up your purse to hand it to you.

"Shit, I need my speech." You say abruptly, about to dash back down the hall for it. But Eddie stops you.

"I already put it in your bag, angel. I knew you'd get all worried about losin' it." He chuckles, putting you at ease.

"Thanks, Eds." You sigh in relief, peeking inside the purse just to make sure. The little note cards are safely tucked inside, in between your wallet and compact mirror. "Okay. Let's go!" You chirp, ready to get this show on the road.

You've been awarded the coveted opportunity to give the commencement speech at the ceremony, as you're graduating with highest honors. Everyone you know is coming, sure to take up a good chunk of seats in the auditorium to cheer you on. Later, there's to be a rehearsal dinner hosted at Applebee's in preparation for yours and Eddie's nuptials in two days. What can you say? Neither of you want to wait a second longer than necessary to get hitched. You promised your mother that you'd hold off until you at least finish school, but she never specified exactly how long  to wait after you get that diploma. But, there's been no complaints about it from her, or anyone else. It's a special day that belongs to you and Eddie, so no one else truly has any say over it. 

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