Chapter Sixteen: Centerfold

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A/N: Hey everyone! Just letting you know that due to my special October one-shot series, chapters for this story may take a while to be posted. I have set uploading days for the one-shots which is every Saturday this month. Feel free to check them out when they're published!

Description: You and Eddie celebrate your one-month anniversary...

Warnings: Swearing, smut, teasing, alcohol use, oral sex, fingering, praise/degradation, squirting, role swapping

Chapter Sixteen: Centerfold

"Eddie's here, Y/N!" Dustin shouts to you as he lets Eddie inside. You leave your room to meet him by the door, strolling confidently down the hallway. "Woah." Dustin says when you enter the room, he's never seen you so dressed up like that since the prom. He can't help cracking a smile, and you mouth 'thank you' at him.

"Took the words right outta my mouth, Henderson." Eddie replies, unable to stop staring at you. You meet Eddie's gaze, immediately blushing at how intensely he's looking you over. It's here that you take in his own appearance. He's wearing surprisingly not-ripped black jeans, and his signature Reeboks. But he's also wearing a black button-up shirt, with a couple buttons left open and the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. He's got his hair tied back like he wears it for work in a thick ponytail. He's holding a bouquet of sunflowers in his hands, struggling to form another sentence as you've thrown him off his game. "I these for you." Eddie holds out the flowers awkwardly, clearing his throat to compose himself. "I figured roses are a bit cliché, and these reminded me of you." His cheeks turn a dark crimson, growing shy in your radiant presence.

You set the gifts down for a moment and walk over to him slowly, taking your time as a way to tease him. You smirk when you reach him, placing your hands on his chest before leaning in for a kiss. Eddie's breath shudders into your face, and he closes his eyes in preparation for you to lay one on him. But just before your lips can meet, you pull away. He stumbles, opening his eyes in disbelief. He scoffs at your antics, surprised you're so calm after seeing him all dressed up. "Sorry, baby. I had to get you back for a month ago." You explain, giving him a quick peck as an apology before graciously accepting the beautiful bouquet. His hands instinctively go to your waist once you've taken it. "Thank you, darling. These are just gorgeous! Let me put them in some water." You leave his grasp, swaying your hips as you walk to the kitchen to find a vase.

Dustin cringes at your flirting, wanting to escape this situation immediately. If there's one thing he doesn't want to see, it's his sister trying to seduce one of his best friends with her butt. "Oooooookay, I can see I'm not needed here. Have a good time, lovebirds." He says as he runs from the room, retreating from your displays of affection.

"Later, Dustin." Eddie calls to him, his eyes refusing to leave your body. You pull a simple vase from one of the cupboards, filling it with cold water before sticking the bunch of flowers into it. You set the vase onto the kitchen island, on prominent display. "You really like them?" He asks, always unsure if he's given you the right thing.

"I love them, Eddie." You go back over to pick up your gifts for him, before rejoining him at the front door. "You ready to go?" You ask, entwining your free hand with his. He doesn't answer you, he can't stop ogling your chest. "My love, are you alright?" You play innocent, batting your eyelashes at him. It's very flattering that he's so attracted to you like this, you're really gonna rock his world when he sees what's underneath your dress.

His eyes finally meet yours again, his cheeks flushing dark red. He clears his throat, trying to keep himself together. "Uh, yeah. I'm fine, you just look really beautiful tonight." He rubs his neck anxiously, a forced laugh leaving his lips.

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