Chapter Six: Blue Monday

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A/N: Hey all! Last chapter definitely got emotionally intense. I didn't expect it to go that direction but that's how it went. It even made me tear up a little bit, I highly inserted myself into that one.

Description: You wake up on Monday morning with Eddie, and you have a little fun before breakfast. You reminisce over how the two of you met, which leaves you feeling tense and uneasy...

Warnings: smut, fingering, unprotected sex, female ejaculation, anxiety, angst, bullying, sexual harassment, violence

Chapter Six: Blue Monday

Your alarm goes off at 7:30am, and you reach for your bedside table clumsily. Your hand paws around it, before smacking the snooze button. You groan, not wanting to open your eyes. "Good morning, angel." You hear Eddie say sleepily. He kisses your neck, bringing you fully into reality. His lips feel like velvet against you, and you instinctively press your ass back into his crotch. You feel his erection poking into you, rubbing yourself against it. "Mmm, someone's horny this morning." Eddie coos at you, planting more kisses along your neck. You moan quietly, continuing to move against him. He groans into your skin, turning you onto your back to lay on top of you. Eddie kisses your lips deeply, quickly slipping his tongue in your mouth. You reach up to grip his head hungrily, bringing him closer to you. He breaks away to catch his breath, gazing into your eyes with a smile. "What's got you so feisty, Y/N?" He asks playfully.

"I was dreaming about you, Eddie. Kissing you, touching you, fucking you. It just wouldn't stop. I need you, please?" You practically beg him to do something, anything. All night you'd been tormented by him, you're so wound up it almost hurts.

"What time do you have to be in class?" He asks, glancing at the clock. It now reads 7:45.

"I don't have to be there until nine. We have time." You blink your eyelashes at him, pouting your lip slightly. He chuckles, rolling his eyes.

"Relax, Y/N. You don't have to tell me twice. How can I say no to the sexiest, most insatiable girl in the world, hm?" His lips meet yours again, harsher this time. You know you don't have a ton of time, so you frantically toss your shirt and panties away and Eddie takes off his boxers. He latches his lips to your neck, and you moan a little too loud. He looks at you, smirking. "Shh, baby. You gotta be quiet." He resumes his work, and you do your best to not make any noise. You grope his dick in your hand, pumping his length lazily. He strokes your slick folds, rubbing your clit with his thumb. You whimper quietly, holding back your moans. He slips a couple fingers into you, curling to hit your g spot just right.

"Oh, Eddie." You sigh, pleasure washes over your body as he continues to work you with his fingers. Once you're very wet, Eddie takes his cock from your hand, sliding himself against your clit a few times. You both moan quietly at the feeling, kissing again to muffle your noises. Eddie enters you with ease, and you groan into each other's mouths. He gives you a moment to adjust, gripping your hips. You wrap your legs around his waist, signaling for Eddie to move.

His thrusts pound into you deep and fast. He hits your sweetspot with every stroke. Eddie hates to rush when it comes to sex, but he won't risk making you late. Your nails dig into his back as his dick pumps in and out of you. His cock feels so fucking good inside you, it takes everything in you to keep kissing him to suppress the sounds you desperately want to let out. "Fuck, you're so wet for me, Y/N. I'm so close already. Let me fuck you from behind, darling." Eddie says, his chest rising and falling rapidly. He pulls out of you temporarily, flipping you over.

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