Chapter Fifty: Bastard

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Description: The trial begins, and your nerves are running haywire. You perform very well in to courtroom in spite of this, but various sources of anxiety and chaos keep you from taking it as a win...

Warnings: swearing, smut, unprotected sex, angry/aggressive sex, use of restraints/gags, masturbation, squirting, praise/degradation, mentions of violence/abuse, mentions of vomit, crying, anxiety, angst, mentions of sexual coercion/ignoring consent/sexual assault

A/N: I know it's been a long time since I've updated. It's been difficult to keep myself motivated lately, but I'm trying my best. This chapter also gets kinda heavy, especially around the end, so be warned.

Chapter Fifty: Bastard

"Fuck, right there, Eds. I'm gonna cum..." You moan as Eddie rams his cock into your pussy in the shower of your new apartment. You've got your legs wrapped around his waist and your back against the wall, clinging to him for dear life as you wait for your orgasm to take hold.

You'd spent your first night here together last night, making a pile of sleeping bags and blankets in the living room since you haven't been able to buy a mattress yet. You've brought over all the gifts you received at the party you threw, and boxes of your other belongings are piled high in the bedroom and other living spaces. Arwen has made her new home here as well, her litter box set up in the bathroom and food and water bowls in the kitchen. She's adjusting well already, having made your nest of random bedding into her napping spot.

You still have a lot to do in order to consider this move a success, there's more things to buy and unpack, not to mention you need groceries and cleaning supplies of your own. There's only so much you can get away with taking from your mother's house. But you'll get there, one step at a time. Right now, though, you're focused on getting off with your boyfriend for the first time in days.

"C'mon, sweetheart. Let it all go for me. I've missed that pretty face you make." Eddie says lowly, watching your expression twist in pleasure as you're about to lose control. He holds onto your thighs with all his might, thrusting you hard into the tiles. He's right on the edge with you, his stomach tightening. He's been craving this for days, unable to think about anything other than your perfect pussy.

"FUCK!" You cry out, keeping your eyes locked on his as you cum. Your insides clamp and pulse around his dick, bringing him down with you when you soak him in a flood of arousal.

"God...dammit." He murmurs, the words barely able to escape him. His hips buck into you recklessly, his load coating your walls in thick spurts of white. Your thighs tremble as you ride this out, and many uncontrollable moans and gasps leave your lips. "Jesus." Eddie pants, his head falling forward to rest on your shoulder. He continues to hold you up until you've both calmed down, and he presses a light kiss to your wet skin. "I've definitely missed that." He says, still catching his breath.

"So have I, love. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I swear, I was gonna burst if we waited much longer." You reply, patting his shoulders for him to pull out and put you down. He takes the hint, lifting his head up to watch carefully so he doesn't drop you. He slowly pulls his cock out of your spent cunt, the both of you groaning quietly at the loss. If you didn't have a shift at the theater in an hour, you'd probably go for another round. He sets you on your own two feet, and you give him a gentle kiss before pulling away entirely. You still have all your washing up to do, and you're definitely going to need a decent breakfast after your activities.

"Oh, I know, princess. You could hardly keep yourself from staring at me at work all week. I'm surprised I didn't catch cold from you undressing me with your eyes!" Eddie laughs, reaching for the shampoo he'd brought from the trailer last night.

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