Chapter Thirty-Four: Scary Monsters and Super Creeps

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Description: You have a nightmare about Eddie, which leaves you shaken up before work on Monday morning. Work itself isn't much better, as a particular coworker of yours decides to further his advances on you...

Warnings: swearing, light smut, nightmares, arguing, mentions of violence/domestic violence, sexual harassment, attempted sexual assault, mentions of blood, mentions of vomit, anxiety, panic attack, crying

Chapter Thirty-Four: Scary Monsters and Super Creeps

You've been grinding on Eddie's lap on his couch for what feels like hours, hungrily kissing his plush lips and tangling your fingers in his hair. His hands are squeezing your ass, leading you as your hips roll against him. You both let out low moans at every touch, winding each other up more and more with every passing second. You break away from his mouth, migrating to suck on his neck. "I love you, Eds." You say breathily, nipping his throat with your teeth. You await his reply, but he doesn't say anything. He's stopped the motions of his hands as well, going completely still. You look up to see what's going on. His face has gone stiff as stone, and his eyes look right through you. "What's wrong, love?" You ask, cupping his cheek.

"Get out." He says flatly, ceasing his touches on you altogether.

"What? Why?" You ask, confused. You were both having a good time just a second ago, and now he wants you to leave?

"I said, get out!" He yells at you, shoving you off of him violently. You gasp as you fall backwards from his lap and onto the floor of his trailer.

"What the hell is your problem?" You yell back, Eddie's never gotten physical with you like this. He would never, ever hurt you. Right?

"My problem? I think you fucking know, Y/N." He replies angrily, crossing his arms.

"Clearly I don't, Eddie. Can you just tell me?" You ask, matching his attitude. You have no clue where this is coming from, he's not himself at all.

"God, could you be any more stupid? I'm talking about Tommy!" He shouts, getting on his feet. His fists ball at his sides as he looms over you, and you're afraid he might hit you.

"What about him? I already told you everything!" You don't back down, standing up as well. You cross your own arms, shaking like a leaf as you wait to see where this goes.

"Oh, right!" He laughs mockingly. "Yeah, I don't buy that whole sob story, sweetheart. You keep...letting him touch you, and call you little names. If he's so fucking awful, why don't you fight back?" There's such cruelty in his voice, and his facial expression isn't much better. Is he seriously trying to suggest that you want to be harassed?

"Because...we'd lose our jobs, Eds. And we need the money...for our future." You say sadly, tears welling in your eyes. You wish you could tell him why the money is so important, that you want to move in together and get your lives started for real.

"Our future? What the fuck does that even mean, Y/N?" Eddie yells even louder, getting closer to you. You flinch at his words, your eyes squeezing shut to avoid looking at him. "Look at me!" He screams, and you open your eyes again. His face has gone all red, the vein in his neck poking out in his rage. "You know what I think, princess? I think you like the extra attention. To have two guys into you at once, that's gotta be thrilling for you. And I know how much you like a thrill...I'm sure Tommy does, too." His words make you want to vomit. This isn't Eddie, this isn't the man you fell in love with. But here he is, standing before you, saying the most vile things. You thought he was different. But you guess you were wrong.

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