Chapter Forty-Two: Let Me Put My Love Into You

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A/N: Hey everyone, just checking in before we get into the b-day spice! I'm glad you're all enjoying the concert chapter, I did way too much research for it 😅. From looking up the set list for the exact date for all three bands, to watching an entire recording of the tour to see what the hell Ozzy Osbourne gets up to onstage, to finding an old concert ticket on eBay to see how much they cost back then. I went all out for this part of the story. Accuracy means everything to me, and I am far too passionate for my own good 🥴. Anyway, enjoy the steamy stuff I've got for you all!

*P.S., there will be some spicy stuff here that isn't for everybody. So if you aren't into it, feel free to skip this chapter. But if you've made it this far, I doubt you'll find it weird. I only give extra warning because some people really aren't into this kind of thing and I don't want to have complaints in my comments that I didn't warn you first. (Not that I get those very much anyways, you all are great readers.)

Description: You and Eddie explore new territory together in your hotel room after the concert. The experience is exhilarating, and caps off a perfect birthday...

Warnings: smut, fingering, oral sex, teasing, praise/degradation, handcuffs, sex toys, unprotected sex, anal fingering, pegging, choking, role-swapping, squirting, consecutive orgasms, slight overstimulation

Chapter Forty-Two: Let Me Put My Love Into You

"Ugh, we really got soaked, huh?" Eddie says, shifting uncomfortably in his clothes as you enter your hotel room. You flick on the light, finding a nice large bed and the typical amenities inside.

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting that." You reply with a giggle, tossing your bags onto the floor beside the bed. Eddie closes the door behind you, and you turn to look at him. "How 'bout you lose the clothes, babe?" You suggest, biting your lip.

"Sure thing, sweetheart." He smirks, immediately peeling his shirt up and over his head. It falls to the floor in a damp pile, and the moisture left on his pale skin glistens in the dim light of the room. You keep your own clothes on, for now, sitting in a chair to watch Eddie undress. "Enjoying the show?" He asks cheekily, undoing his belt.

"Mmhmm. You're so sexy, baby." You devour him with your eyes, resisting the urge to pounce on him right this second. He kicks off his shoes, removing his wet socks with an odd look on his face. He then slides his jeans and boxers down together, stepping out of them to put himself completely nude before you. "Fuck." Your pupils fall to his dick, which has already begun to grow in the excitement. Eddie chuckles at your hungry stare. You snap yourself out of it, needing to take control here. You've got this whole thing painstakingly planned out, and there's no time to waste. "Lay down on the bed for me, Eds." You say softly, and he obeys. He lays over the covers, his head resting casually on the pillows.

"What are you gonna do to me, princess?" He teases as you purposefully get out of your seat and walk over to him. You stand near the head of the bed, reaching down to caress Eddie's cheek with feather-light pressure. You smile down at him, which he returns.

"Anything you want. I do have some ideas, though..." You answer, backing away from him again. You go around to the other side of the bed to your overnight bag, unzipping it to pull out the first of your 'ideas'. A brand new pair of handcuffs you bought together, stronger and sturdier than Eddie's previous pair. You show them to him, and his smile grows wider.

"Are we using those on you....or me?" He asks, hoping they're meant for him. It seems you've got a concise plan of what you want to do tonight, and he's very eager to let you have your way.

"You, of course." You say matter-of-factly, going to him once more. "Hands up, darling." You say politely, and he gladly obeys your order. Your eyes flick to his length again, noticing he's completely erect now. And you're only getting started. "Good boy." You praise, clicking the cuffs around his wrists. He hisses slightly at the tightness, making you worried that you've overdone them. "Too tight?" You ask, fully prepared to remove them and start over.

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