Chapter Fifteen: Photograph

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Description: Robin helps you take some sexy photos for Eddie, and she reveals a very personal secret to you. You also have a conversation with your mother that leads to very interesting offer for the future...

Warnings: Swearing, smoking, light anxiety, teasing, LGBTQ+ themes, struggles with sexuality, fluff, mentions of smut/suggestive situations, violation of privacy

Chapter Fifteen: Photograph

Robin pulls into your driveway, and you notice Mom's car is gone. She's at work and won't be home for hours, which is good. You definitely don't want her to interrupt your little photoshoot. Robin parks awkwardly, causing the car to jolt. "Sorry, I'm still mastering the art of driving."

"I can tell." You wince, the ride over had been quite nauseating. You weren't one to get car-sick, but she kept moving and stopping like a boat riding the waves. She gives you an apologetic look, clearly embarrassed at her lack of skills on the road. "It's okay, Robin. I don't mean to be rude." Her mood lightens, and you lead her inside the house to your room.

"Nice place, I don't think I've ever been inside before." Robin says, taking in the family photos and shag carpet as you walk down the hall. You open the bedroom door, and she giggles at the sight. "Wow, it's very girly in here." She spins around to look at everything, oddly intrigued by your living space. "It's really cute." She says as she meets your eyes.

"Thanks!" You smile kindly at her, she seems a little out of her element. Robin's always been a little odd, but you admire that about her. You set your bag down on the floor. "Wait here, I gotta grab the camera." You say, and she plops down onto the edge of your bed. You retrieve the camera from Mom's room, checking to see how much film is left. Not much, good thing you bought more today. You walk back in, closing the door. Robin seems to have located the D20 and booklet from your nightstand in your absence, flipping through the pages with widened eyes. "Oh my God! What are you doing!" You shriek, cheeks going red as she's found something very private and personal to you. You snatch the items from her hands, putting them inside a drawer and out of sight.

"Sorry, they were just...out. I wasn't meaning to pry, I just get curious." She looks down at her hands, ashamed for embarrassing you. You sigh, sitting beside her.

"It's alright. But if you breathe a word about it to Steve, or anyone for that matter, I will have to kill you. Slowly and painfully." You warn, cracking into a smile as you're not that serious about it. She laughs at your words, glad that you're not too upset.

"Can I ask something, though?" Robin says quietly, meeting your eyes again.

"Yeah, anything." You reply, unsure what her question might be.

"Exactly how many of those pages have you and Eddie tested already?" She inquires, quirking an eyebrow at you.

"Um, about half of them. We've gotten a few repeats, you know, with the die leaving it up to chance and all. He made it for my birthday, actually."

"Way to go, Y/N!" She gives you a high five, further lightening the mood as you share another laugh. "And I figured it was his doing, I'd recognize his artistic style anywhere. Dustin's always showing Steve all the cool stuff Eddie draws for D&D, and I just so happen to be around to look over his shoulder."

"Eddie is very talented, he made me this too." You hold up the guitar pick around your neck, and Robin leans in close to read it.

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