Chapter Fifty-Nine: You Make My Dreams Come True

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Description: It's New Year's Eve, and everyone plans to ring in the new decade at Steve's house. Everybody is dressed to the nines, and there's some extra special guests in attendance. It's easily one of the best parties that Harrington has ever thrown, and it only gets better when Eddie asks you a very important question...

Warnings: swearing, drug use, alcohol use, lots of crying (only the happiest of tears), LGBTQ+ mentions, light smut/mentions of smut, kissing/groping, fluff

Chapter Fifty-Nine: You Make My Dreams Come True

"You all set to go, sweetheart?" Eddie asks as you're on the way out of the apartment to head over to Steve's New Year's Eve party.

"Yep!" You chirp, walking past him into the hall. You're both dressed up all nice, with you in a strapless satin red dress and matching heels, showing off curves and cleavage. And Eddie, sporting a dark crimson button-up, freshly-ironed black slacks and shiny dress shoes. Steve insisted that everyone dress their best, which you have absolutely no objections to. You love making yourself pretty when the mood is right, and Eddie always looks devastatingly handsome when he cleans up.

"Shit." Eddie mutters once you reach the parking lot.

"What's wrong?" You ask, giving him a concerned look.

"Oh, nothing. I promised Steve I'd pick up a couple things before the party." He replies with a sigh, though is the first time you're hearing of this.

"Well, we can get it on the way." You say, offering a simple solution.

"Nah, we're already running kinda late." Eddie shakes his head. "You go ahead to Steve's, and I'll meet you there. 'Kay?" He suggests instead, which only further confuses you. Since when does he care about punctuality? Something is up. And given the secret little conversation he and your mother had at Christmas, you think you know what he's up to. But you'll play along, let this elaborate plan of his play out. You're sure he's put a lot of work into it, and you'd hate to spoil that.

"If you say so. I'll see you in bit then, love." You say casually, leaning in to give him a quick peck goodbye.

"I won't be long, angel. Don't party too hard without me." He chuckles, glad that he's seemingly pulled off his ruse. Steve didn't ask him to get a damn thing, the guy doesn't like to impose. No, he's got something far more important planned. Something you're both anxiously waiting for, and have been building towards together. He can't think of a better time to pull the trigger, than on the last night of the decade. He's finally going to propose, and said proposal is going to blow you away.

"No promises, baby." You laugh as you go your separate ways. You get into your Datsun, and Eddie hops into his van. The two of you pull out of the lot in your respective vehicles, turning opposite ways down the street. You glance at the back of the van disappearing in your rear view, smiling to yourself. Anticipation for what's to come grows inside you, jittery butterflies flapping around your stomach. He's finally gonna ask be his wife. You squeal in excitement, unable to contain your emotions. You do, however, hold back any happy tears to preserve your painstakingly-applied makeup, since he hasn't actually popped the question just yet.

During your drive, you find yourself daydreaming about how the proposal will go. What soul-baring words he'll say to you, the ring he might present you with, the adoring look in his eyes as he kneels before you. You can't wait to see how it all goes down, wondering if anyone else knows about Eddie's secret plan. Your mind also travels to other places, like your wedding day. Wearing a big, fancy dress, walking down the aisle, vowing to have and hold the one and only Eddie Munson for the rest of your life. It sounds like a wonderful dream, and it's about to be one step closer to becoming reality.

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