Chapter Nineteen: Twist of Fate

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Description: It's finals week, and an unexpected visitor shows up during your first test. Eddie fully recovers from the flu, driving you to your second exam and catching up on overdue lovemaking. Afterwards, you go out for lunch, encountering all sorts of unwanted interactions...

Warnings: swearing, smoking, smut, dirty talk, phone sex, masturbation, praise/degradation, unprotected sex, crying, light anxiety and angst, anger, violence, blood, mentions of domestic violence

Chapter Nineteen: Twist of Fate

"Good luck on your exam, my love." Eddie says, walking you to the front door of his trailer Monday morning. He seems much better than yesterday, well-rested for once since you were at his side all night. He even woke you up to some spontaneous fingering to repay you for his bath. It goes without saying, you definitely needed it.

"Thank you, Eddie. I'll be back after my test, but I promised Mom I'd be home tonight." You exchange a goodbye kiss, trying not to linger too long. You've got a decent-sized ride ahead of you, and you cannot be late. You pull away, letting Eddie open the door for you and stepping into the warm April air. You hop down the steps, feeling on top of the world as you pick up your bike and straddle the seat. "Bye, darling!" You wave at him, which he kindly returns.

"Bye, princess. I'll see you later." He smiles, already missing you. You start pedaling, making your way out of Forest Hills. You ride at a steady pace, forcing yourself not to rush. You have more than enough time to get to the college, taking a deep breath at every intersection. Your nerves send a shock through you the closer you get, but you know everything will be okay. You've studied your ass off, and you're gonna make this exam your bitch.

You lock your bicycle up to the rack in the parking lot, taking one last deep breath before heading inside with the other students. It's your Biology final today, your easiest subject. You make your way down the halls, locating your assigned exam room. Your professor stands at the desk at the head of the room, handing out scantron sheets and test booklets to everyone as they come in. You take yours, exchanging a smile with him before taking your seat. He knows you'll ace this one, you're one of his top students. You sling your backpack over the back of your chair, digging out your pencil pouch to set on your desk.

"Alright, everyone. We're about to begin the exam. You have exactly two and a half hours to complete it. Please remember to fill in your answers clearly, and fully erase any mistakes. If not..." You listen keenly to his instructions, your knee bouncing in anticipation of being given the go-ahead to open your test booklet. "And once you've completed the exam, you'll hand in your test book and scantron sheet and be dismissed. Good luck, and I hope you all enjoy your summer." He finishes speaking, which ensues a cacophony of students ripping the seals off their booklets. You follow suit, slowly ripping the stickers that withhold the questions you need to answer.

You put your name and the date at the top of your answer sheet, taking a second to calm your pounding heart before starting your test. You've got this, bookworm. You smile at Eddie's voice speaking softly inside your head, flipping open the first page. A quick glance over every question tells you you've got this in the bag. The anxiety melts away like snow in the spring, and you gleefully fill in each bubble with the exact right answer. Mom will be so proud of you, as will Eddie. Would Dad have been proud too? The unwelcome thought shoves itself to the forefront of your mind. You shake your head, pushing it away. Why would you care what that fucker thinks of you? He's dead as a door nail, end of story. You continue bubbling in the correct A's, B's and C's, steadily working your way through every page. That odd thought still sits in an awkward place inside your brain, waiting to creep its way into view again. But it won't here, not right now.

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