Chapter Thirteen: Two of Hearts

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Description: You and Eddie try out your present after he comes home from work. Feelings grow stronger and deeper as you have dinner in the kitchen, and you spend the evening working on your character for D&D...

Warnings: Swearing, smoking, smut, fingering, praise/degradation, unprotected sex, squirting, conversations about commitment

Chapter Thirteen: Two of Hearts

A couple days have gone by, and you're spending Wednesday afternoon studying on the couch. Books and flashcards are splayed all around you, and you're deep in concentration. Eddie has stayed over every night so far, but he has a shift almost every day this week so he always has to leave after breakfast to go home and change. The clock on the wall tick tick ticks the minutes away, you prefer the absolute quiet when you study. Music helps with assignments for some strange reason, but it's nothing other than a distraction when you cram for exams. It's like you're compelled to sing and dance along to the music, which makes it difficult to pound information into your head.

Mom called again this morning, just for a short check-in. She figured telling you all the details of how much fun everyone is having would just make you upset, which wasn't an unfair assumption. She sounded far less sad on the phone than she did on Monday night though, so were kinda clued you in to all the good times you were missing out on anyway. You try to not let it bother you, focusing on your flashcards. You struggle to stay on task however, your eyes darting to the phone on the table in front of you every so often. Chrissy hasn't called back yet, and with each passing day you worry she never will. You bite your lip, wanting that phone to ring so badly. You're startled as Eddie comes walking in the front door, breaking you out of your anxious trance.

"Honey, I'm home!" He says in a sing-song voice, kicking off his shoes. You turn your head to meet his gleeful smile, and he slowly makes his way over to you. Eddie leans down, planting a warm kiss to your lips. "And how's my little bookworm doing?" He asks, looking you over. Your hair is in a messy bun atop your head, and you're still in pajamas as you didn't have anywhere else to be today.

"I'm alright, my brain is absolutely fried though." You pinch the bridge of your nose, a stress tick Eddie has taken notice of over the last few weeks.

"Well, how 'bout you take a break? We still haven't tried out your present, ya know. I'd have half a mind to be offended if we hadn't already been fucking like bunnies." He bites his lip, stroking your face to tempt you. Your eyes flutter closed at his touch, you'd be lying if you said you haven't been looking forward to Eddie coming home for a specific reason.

"I suppose I can call it a day, I've been at it for hours. And clearly I can't absorb any more vocab words or facts about mitochondria." Eddie helps you mark your place in all your books, and binds your flashcards in a rubber band before handing them to you. "Thank you, darling." You stack everything neatly on the coffee table, not planning to open anything back up until Eddie leaves for work again in the morning. You stand together, unable to resist draping your arms around his shoulders as his hands grip your waist. Eddie quickly moves them to your ass, squeezing your flesh roughly through your shorts. "Did you miss me that much? You've barely been home five minutes and you're already copping a feel." You giggle, teasingly poking the tip of his nose with your tongue.

"Sorry for making you wait, I'd planned on doing it as soon as I walked in the door." Eddie kisses you hungrily, breaking apart a moment later once he's stolen your breath away. He looks deep into your eyes, enchanting you as your heart begins to race. "And to answer your question, I always miss you. Every second we're apart, I just wanna come running right back." His lips capture yours once more before you can respond, lighting that familiar, primal fire in your belly. You clumsily walk backwards down the hall to your room, bumping into the walls multiple times as you don't want to stop kissing for a single second.

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